Chapter 41 [End]

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*Chapter 41*

Epilogue 3 ~Wedding day~


"You look amazing," Jin smiled as he fixed the bow around my neck.

"I'm so nervous. What if I'm gonna fall because of too much nervosity?" I tried to control my breathing to keep me from hyperventilating.

"Relax, you won't fall. The old man will just catch you if you do," he winked. That doesn't make it less embarrassing, though.

"Now that you mention where is Dad anyway?" I wondered. The ceremony was going to start in less than ten minutes and I bet that everyone was already waiting, especially Zaron. So why is Dad still not there?

"I don't know. I'll contact him now. You just go ahead and freshen up your make up," he hushed me over to the girl who was waiting for me.

I pouted and went to sit down. "I don't want make up though. I'm already sexy without it."

"You should give me a slice of that self-confidence of yours, honey. But still, even stars wear make up all the time. It's just so they won't get oily that easily and thus look shiny on pictures," she explained as she used a big fluffy brush to put something powdery on my face.

"And how is my baby brother doing?" Ramon stormed inside the room, sprouting with motivation.

"Go away, you're scaring me! You look too much like Jin," I waved him away. Normally, they both look so different for the fact that they are identical twins.

Ramon was more that kind of guy who wore clothes to show of his muscles and gave too much damn about his hair, which is also why his hair looked absolutely flawless all the time with no strand sticking out. While Jin was rather basic with his usual messy hair.

And therefore, having them looking completely the same today gave me the creeps.

"Well Jin looks too awesome today, what's there to do about that," he shrugged.

"Complementing the looks of your twin is just being conceited and narcissistic," I rolled my eyes.

"You're damn right, bro," he winked. "Anyway, everything's set up and everyone is waiting outside. So are you... hey where is Dad?"

"WHAT?! What do you mean with that? Are you serious? No, you can't be serious!" Jin's voice suddenly broke the relaxed atmosphere. His eyes fell on us as soon as he dropped the phone call. "Dad... He doesn't think that he can make it in time anymore."

Once his words left his mouth, it took just seconds for it to sink in. That Dad wasn't going to show up to my wedding. That he won't escort me along the carpet as I always wanted him to. My too perfect vision of the happiest day in my life started to crack and crumble.

I couldn't help the tears coming up when the thoughts stroke me. "You mean, he won't come?" My voice was quiet. It almost came out as whisper dipped in disappointment and sorrow.

"No, no, no, no don't cry. Shit!" Ramon he cursed, trying his best to comfort me as I struggled. "Quentin, look at me!" He forced me to face him and meet his eyes. "It's gonna be fine, okay? It's going to be alright."

But it didn't help to improve my mood when the tears first dropped down my face one after one until they just started flowing. Heavy sobs overcame me as Jin came over to pull me into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry." He whispered and stroked my back. "It'll all be fine. Dad will definitely show up later, I'll make sure of that."

"Guys, what is taking you so long? The entrance ceremony should've already started ten minutes ago," Raven impatiently knocked on the door before entering. "W-What the hell happened?"

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