Chapter 6

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*Chapter 6*


"This is your closet, right?" I pointed at it and didn't even wait for an answer when I opened it, looking for something I can sleep in. "You think this will work?" I held up a normal pair of red shorts. When I still didn't get an answer, I turned around, seeing Zaron with a frown on his face. "What?" I tilted my head in confusion.

He shook his head and waved it away. I raised my eyebrows at that but shrugged it off at the end. "Do you want to take a shower or-"

"Not necessary. Already did this afternoon," I cut him off while I took my shoes off. I slowly pulled my overall off my body which were followed by my shirt that I only stood there with my knee socks and my boxer briefs. But this time they weren't my typical PINK's. Today I had chosen some colorful stars printed tight ones.

"What are you-," he never finished his sentence an shook his head before turning around. "Nevermind, why am I even still wondering?" I looked back at his shorts that I just put on when some wrinkles formed theirselves on my forehead.

I, at first, couldn't decide. Should I really put them on or just leave it? I decided to put it on for now, I shouldn't scare him off before we even get to have sex, right? Anyway, when I had them on, they were hanging quite loosely around my hips. I tilted my head at them, but I just shrugged it off and left it like that.

When my gaze fell back on Zaron, I noticed him staring at me with a undefined look. "What is it?" He snapped out of his stare and quickly looked away. I smirked and slowly approached him until there were only inches that separated us from touching. "Is there something on my torso?" I looked down on me.

He blushed and stuttered a bit. "I-I didn't know that you have another piercing," he tried to divert my question to something else. I huffed at his action and smiled as I looked down at my silver diamond piercing.

"Why? You like it?" I bit my lips and waited for his answer. But he kept silence and just eyed my belly button with an interested look. It was a mixture of curiosity and a questioning look with a tint of awe. "You know it doesn't hurt, you can just touch it." I slowly grabbed his hand and guided his finger towards it which he didn't seem to refuse.

As soon as he touched it, he admired it and observed even closer. "Is this real?" He pointed at it and gently brushed his finger over the tiny shining stone.

I shrugged. "I don't know. It was a present from my brother for my eighteenth birthday. So I guess it is." It didn't matter to me. I just think that it's really beautiful. But it comes from Jin and everyone knows that he has an awesome taste, which is by the way also why I ask him to choose my outfits on special occasions.

"It's pretty," he said. I smiled and slowly took his hand that was inspecting the piercing away and rested my arms on his shoulder.

"You didn't tell me why you were staring before though," I grinned. "Where you looking at my body?" He didn't answer. "At my face?" Again there was no answer. And with every question I narrowed the little distance between our lips. "Do you think I'm attractive?" I could feel his breath lightly brushing against mine.

I found it funny that he didn't actually pull back. If he really didnt find me attractive at all then he totally would. It feels like he was more the person to do that. So it was especially encouraging me even more to try harder.

"Zaron," I whispered. His eyes were fixed on my lips, like he was too eager but hesitant as well. "What do you want?" If he thought that I'm going to kiss him first then he was wrong because I definitely won't. "You really don't need to hold back, I'm right here." I licked my lips and waited for him to respond to my offer. Our nose were already touching but it never seemed like he wanted to close the last remaining distance between us.

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