Chapter 10

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*Chapter 10*


"Okay I think it's time do get ready, now," he said after checking the time. I got up and walked towards my bag where I picked up my stuff. Obviously I couldn't just go out wearing my usual stuff so I had to bring some suited clothes for the night.

Zaron was already in a pair of regular black jeans and all black long sleeves while I still had to change. Thus, I pulled off my jeans and my shirts before heading for my clothes to change into when I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder, turning me around.

I gasped in surprise when he increased the pressure of his grip on my hips. "What the hell, what happened?" His hand slowly brushed my chest and the area around my abdomen as I looked down.

It was obviously still bruised because of yesterday, but it didn't actually bother me. "Oh uh don't worry it doesn't hurt," I waved away. But as soon as he was a tiny bit rougher than expected, I flinched and stopped his hand. Well it didn't hurt as long as no one touched it.

"Who did this to you?" He narrowed his eyes.

I grinned at him and placed my hands on his cheek. "Aw Zaron, are you worried," I giggled. Though his eyes didn't appreciate my joke in the slightest, causing me to sigh. "Really don't bother, my brother was just a little bit too harsh." Well to be honest, it could've been way worse if he had actually put effort into his punches.

"Your brother did this? He's abusing you?" His grip on my hips started to ache as his expression turned dark. I widened my eyes and hastily shook my head when I realized that my words totally came out wrong.

"No, no of course not," I again shook my head. "That's just what happens during practice," I tried to explain but completely failed. He finally let go of me and suspiciously crossed his arms.

"Practice? What kind of practice is that?" His eyebrows shot up with doubting eyes. I sighed and turned around to quickly put my things on. "What do you mean by practice," he repeated steadier than before.

"I already told you, you shouldn't cross the line." He clearly seemed unsatisfied with the answer and turned away.

"You know, I really respect the fact that you're not ready to tell me certain things about you, but it immediately stops when it involves you getting hurt," he argued. I didn't say anything to that, so he left the room afterwards, leaving me back.

And again, I sighed. Who would have known that it could get so complicated? I wouldn't be lying if I say that it was a hundred times easier dating someone who didn't care as much about me as he did. But on the other side it was also nice. The only person who clearly showed that they cared was Jin. So it was so untypical to see Zaron having that same side or maybe something else.

I smirked.

Somehow that just makes me want to sleep with him even more.


"There, you'll be needing this." Zaron handed me some pair of black gloves before he got out the car where the others were already waiting. I looked out before stuffing it in my pocket and got out the car.

"So I guess since everyone seems to be here already, we can start now," Zaron started. "The next shift change is in about ten to fifteen minutes, so everyone get to your positions. From then on, Pixie you know what to do?" He looked over at him who was currently setting things up on his computer and nodded. "Good I already got a blink of the building and we can actually manage when we split in three groups. The building has three floors, so it's the best if Collin and Loki take on the first, Jane and Memphis the second and I take the last. Does anyone have objections?"

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