Chapter 5

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*Chapter 5*


"Yes, right there!" His hand tightened around my wrist and dragged me to that store.

Right then, when I thought he reached his limit of weirdness, we went inside the Victoria's Secret store. Does he not have no shame. Jesus, how the hell am I going to get rid of him? I closed my eyes and silently groaned. And the action he caused when we went in, drew all the attention on us. Dear Godfather, please help me!

Everything was full of pink stuff and not only that, I'm not even lying when I say that there was no single masculine human being in here. "What do you even want here?" I questioned and looked around. They clearly don't offer anything for guys.

"You'll see," was the only thing he said when he mentioned for me to go and wait at the changing rooms. It took a while until he returned with a pile of clothes which I couldn't identify just by looking at it, so he went to try them on.

I looked at the time. We had just reached passed six and I'm really wondering where this day was leading to. Anyway, I had no time to care about that when the curtain was suddenly pushed open as my jar dropped.

He had his hand apart in a presenting motion and a wide grin on his face. "And? How do I look?" He wanted to know while I was still perplexed at his hot pink and black striped shorts. I couldn't help but to look away at the sight of him. "Hey where are you looking? I'm right here!" He was about to come out of the cabin when I rushed over to him and gripped his shoulders to stop him.

"You idiot what if someone sees you?" I barked. He pursed his lips and sulked.

"Yeah, s'cause I wanted you to look at me," he crossed his arms when I automatically glanced down on him. I licked my lips at the sight. He looked really lascivious, I couldn't help it, I'm just a normal guy myself. "My brothers always complain about me wearing tight briefs, so I wanted to get some normal shorts," he explained.

I cocked my eyebrow at him. And that is what he called normal? Jesus, what the hell is he wearing otherwise? I slowly let my arms down and pressed my lips to a thin line.

"So?" He quickly closed the curtain and grabbed my hands which he guided and placed on either side of his hips before wrapping his arm around my neck. "Does it suit me or not?" I gulped and was too bound by his eyes that I couldn't look away. He grinned and bit his lip.

I knew that he was playing with me. And even though I knew he was, there was absolutely nothing I could do against it. I noticed how the distance between us had narrowed when I felt his breath and his lips nearly touching mine. Just a little bit longer and I would have given in but he instantly backed away and turned around, observing himself from the reflection of the mirror.

He was damn attractive if you actually payed attention to it. Not only that, he also had something in his eyes, something intimidating and mysterious which I just couldn't resist. I wanted to get more of it, but wasn't that the opposite of what I intended to earlier? This guy was turning my head into a mess.

"I think I'm going to keep it," he considered. I sighed, I really doubt there was a way to get rid of him. He just did everything as he pleased anyway.

"Hey," I furrowed my brows. "What is this?" My hand slowly touched his neck when I noticed the sign graved into his skin. It was a number. The number six.

He turned around and gently pushed my hand down. "It's a tattoo." How come I hadn't noticed it? "A tattoo that has been there for the past four years." Four years? That means he must have been fourteen when he got it. "It is just a sign that marks a-," he didn't finished his sentence. "I'm just the sixth son, that's everything about it."

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