"Then I'll do it..." Lillian's voice filled the room. Everyone turned in shock as Lillian, Katara and Toph walked in. Zuko stood clenching his fists, "I don't like the idea of this...." Zuko mumbled. Lillian's face fell, "Could you perhaps excuse us?" Lillian asked the group. Sokka nodded and led the others out. Lillian stared at the open doors and the blue skies that kissed the ocean far away, "Zuko..." nothing, no answer... Lillian stepped closer and wrapped her arms around his waist, "We both knew that I couldn't just leave everything.... I have a kingdom too and I-" Zuko suddenly turned and slammed his lips onto Lillian's. The room was silent, Lillian's eyes fluttered close as she kissed Zuko back, but she felt something off about their kiss. Zuko's grasp on her hips were tight and rough pulling her so close to him, he was afraid.... Lillian pulled away and gazed up to the man she loved, "This wont be goodbye, I promise..." Lillian whispered. Zuko nodded, "I know, its just going to be a while..." Zuko leaned his forehead against Lillian's, "Zuko, my love, you forget... I'm the fastest tenshi in the sky, if you need me, I'll be here." Lillian smiled. "Besides, there's word that Damon has someone that he's in love with, so maybe he wants to be with her?" Lillian grinned. Zuko smiled and closed his eyes. Lillian slipped her arms around his waist and grinned, "Zuko?" Lillian whispered, "Hmmmm?" Lillian smirked, "Hold on tight!" Zuko's eyes widened, "Wait what- ahhhh! Lilly!! p-put me ddown!!!" Zuko screamed as Lillian flew out the window laughing, "oh come on you big baby!" Lillian held Zuko under his arms and flew out towards the ocean side, "Please don't drop the fire lord!" Yelled one of the fire sages as Lillian flew past the fire sage temple, "I'll try my best!" Lillian grinned. Zuko rolled his eyes and smiled up as Lillian's golden blonde hair flew in the air. 

A few minutes went by and Lillian finally landed on a secluded beach not too far from the capital, "Here we go..." Lillian said stretching her arms and retracting her wings. Zuko crossed his arms, "You do realize that I have meetings to attend?" Lillian held her arms behind her back and shrugged, "Oh well." Lillian took Zuko's hand and pulled him to sit beside her on the sand. Zuko smiled and leaned back allowing Lillian to rest her head on his shoulder, "The 14th" Zuko whispered, "What?" Lillian raised her brow, "The 14th of April." Zuko said again, "What about it?" Zuko titled his head, "Our wedding date next year. I think that gives us both enough time to sort our Kingdoms out and something to work towards." Lillian closed her eyes as she felt tears forming, "That's perfect..." Lillian whispered.


"I'll be leaving for the temple in 3 days, I need to speak to grandmother and apologies for my outburst as well as plan a meeting with Prince Damon and his father so that we may discuss on breaking the arrangement for the marriage." Lillian spoke to her brothers who ran around getting their things together, "yes, we know! Relax, we'll get your things together!" Shane complained, "Shouldn't you be with Zuko?" Shin asked rolling his eyes, "No, he has a few things to sort out with the earth kingdom colonies." Lillian sighed. Shane tilted his head, "Well, Aang was looking for you earlier, So why not go find him?" Lillian jumped up, "Oh shit! I forgot about that!" Lillian panicked as she flew out of the window, "She could have just used the door..." Shin said mono toned, "where's the fun in that!? Whoo hoo!" Shane yelled as he too jumped out the window, "I am surrounded by idiots...."


Aang sat meditating in the courtyard by the zen garden. Lillian flew up so fast that she couldn't stop herself in time. Kicking up the sand and causing the dust to cover the un-expecting Avatar. Lillian and Aang stared at each other silently before they both burst into laughter. Aang helped Lillian to her feet, "You wanted to see me Aang?" a few guards walked in the distance, "yes! uh, um how do I say this um... Katara said I should tell you about this" Aang seemed nervous, "uh? Okay?" Lillian sweat dropped, "Your grandmother has invited me to the temple to come and have a meeting with her and yourself to discuss the peace and all that." Aang said nervously. Lillian fell silent... why would she contact Aang? "Oh, well, Then we should travel together!" Lillian grinned, "We will leave after our meeting with the earth kingdom king and greeting Iroh" Lillian smiled. Aang nodded  his head, "yeah, and don't worry about you and Zuko, you've been through worse so this short time apart wont affect you." Aang smiled. Lillian sighed, "I hope your right Aang, I hope your right..." Lillian looked towards the palace.

Aang watched his friend and guardian, 'I promise all will be perfect, this is my promise to you Lillian'


hey everyone soooo

this was the second last chapter...

many great adventures are awaiting Lillian and the gang in the sequel, but as I said before, I'm going to take a break from the avatar universe for a bit and work on my other fan fiction. but don't worry, it will be soon.

Please vote and comment.


What are you hoping to happen in the sequel? ( need some ideas,) If I use your suggestion I'll tag you and maybe ask you for assistance on a character. other than that

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all who celebrate and I hope that this chapter bought you some joy!

darkninja out, until next time...

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