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i had a weird dream last night

so basically me and a bunch of random people were at my old school and we were in the gym listening to a lecture and then we went outside for some reason (most of the dream is really foggy in my memory and i can't remember a lot of it) and a bunch of harpies flew over and invited us to hang out with them (and as another detail we all had dog or cat ears and tails for some reason) and then i unfurled my giant black wings that i didn't even realize that i had and agreed to go with them. anyways the weirdest part was that when i felt the wings, well, i could actually feel them. usually in dreams my senses are extremely muted, and usually i can't feel anything at all. but when i ran my hands over the feathers they felt shockingly real. i knew that i was in a dream at the time, and i was actually surprised at how real they felt. anyways a bunch of other random stuff happened (apparently the harpies lived in a trash dump) but when i woke up i actually expected to see wings on my back

anyways i'm excited for christmas 

eh i don't have much else to say so that's all for now 


||winter woods|| a therian journalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora