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Do you ever wish that you weren't human?

Because I do, more than anything. It's just that whenever I see wild animals, I feel almost jealous, of their freedom to run wild and live however and whereever they want, to spend their entire life surrounded by nature. Something I'll never be able to do. They are such beautiful creatures, while us humans destroy our planet and kill each other for no reason at all. 

Ehhh idk I don't really have much to say today so yeah

Oh yeah my school is doing some play later today so I guess that's be fun, even though I'm kinda bummed that I'll miss my Sunday 

Exams are coming next week and I'm not prepared at all but to be honest I could care less about how I do on them so I doubt I'm gonna study. They were really easy last year anyways... 

but yeah that's all I have in me for now so enjoy your weekend people

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