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Friday- 9:30 AM

So I'm in class again and the music teacher looks like she's at her wits end xD The school dance is tonight and I honestly don't want to go at all, I'd rather be outside watching a movie at the park with my friends, but my mom insists that it will be fun..I just hate loud noises and big crowds, which is basically just what the dance is. I also just remembered that I have a math quiz next period  and I have no idea how to do the work. -_-  I don't have much else to say right now, other than I might build a den out of blankets when I get home. I used to have one, but my mom took it down eventually because she said I had to stop sleeping on the floor xD OH!! I just remembered about the Dingo thing! I really think I'm a dingo therian, but there are a few animals that look similar, so Ill wait a while before confirming it. Anyway, Ill tell how the dance was after. 

Sunday- 3:39 PM

So I really wanted to finish this on Friday but I was super tired after the dance and I was busy yesterday so sorry about that! Anyways, the dance was pretty fun once I started dancing, and I made a new friend! I also went down to the beach before the dance and tired howling like a dingo to see what it was like. I've never actually had a chance to howl before, and it actually sounded pretty good! Turns out we didn't have to take the math quiz after all.. phew.. 

sooo yeah, not much else therian-wise has happened, so I guess that'll be all!

Have a wonderful day!


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