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Hello and welcome to my journal!!!

Bad puns already, I know. I'm just a terrible person. 

So I've wanted to make a therian journal on here for soooo long but I never got around to it for whatever reason. So today I just sat down, made an account, and here we are. This will probably be really bad but hopefully some people will stick around to read about my boring life. Without further ado, let's get into an introduction.

My name is Ivy, which is nothing like my real name, but I like to use fake names on the internet. I am a squirrel therain of some kind, and an Australian shepherd. I connect wayyy more with the squirrel, and that's probably all you're going to hear about on here. I believe that in a past life I was both the squirrel and the dog, and that my soul is kinda ~meant~ to be a squirrel if that makes any sense. My favorite color is green and I love foxes, forests, hot chocolate, and word searches. And doctor who. And dragons. And Cavetown. I like a lot of stuff. 

Anyway, I don't have much else to say today except that before I get into the actual journal I will probably make a few updates on my life, friends, shifts,  therian life so far, and that kinda stuff. Sorry if it's  boring.  Anyway that's all for now, have a wonderful day!!

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