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Sorry that I haven't been active lately (not that anyone cares) but I've been completely overwhelmed with personal problems, homework, and my upcoming play. So I might not frequently update until November 4 (when the show ends) but you know what, I'll try. I feel kinda frustrated because I came back from the vacation feeling so...therian..-y? But with all this sudden work and issues being thrown at me, I haven't had any therian shifts, dreams, meditation, etc. 

One interesting thing that happened last night was when I went outside and saw this huge coyote in my neighbors yard! It was staring at this other coyote across the street. My dad tried to make it run away by clapping and yelling, but it just looked at him like "you stupid human" It eventually ran after the other coyote, but my dad was kinda mad because they were eating all the cats in my neighborhood... Sorry if this is poorly written, I'm in a rush to finish all my homework. 

*Update on Dingo Research* So I'm actually pretty sure I'm a dingo therian. Either that or a coyote. Im gonna try to set aside some time to meditate and figure this out. I think the dingo howl and overall color/build seems to fit me pretty well, but the hot and dry climate they live in kinda throws me off. I've also always seen myself as a canine with a thick coat, but I'll work on it I guess. Since that's all I have to say for know,

Have a Wonderful Day!


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