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I'm so obsessed with Anne of Green Gables and the whole aesthetic aaaaaa I just wanna like skip in a meadow and wear a crown of daisies and run through a fall forest path aaaaaaa

So for now I'm just gonna keep doing my journal the way it is so yeah

I also had this really sick idea for a prank (based on a story I'm writing ofc) where I could pretend that I was slowly going insane, acting out muderous actions, scary drawings, talking to myself, etc. Idk it sounds super duper messed up but in a thrilling way so idk. :/ Ima do it yay!

*So as a bit of a filler for this chapter, here's a short passage from a story I'm writing. I'll take any criticism and I might even make a separate book on here, depending if I like where it's going and if I get feedback* 

 Audrey strolled down the sunlit forest path. It was the most lovely day imaginable, with the morning sun streaming down upon the path through the canopy of orange and yellow trees. The birds were singing their chipper songs, and there was a pleasant chill in the air and a dew on the leaves strewn across the path. All seemed quite right with the world, and there was a certain air about this day, as if something wonderful would soon happen. Audrey spotted a hare darting about the path and thought she may have even seen a doe in the bushes and brambles off in the woods. She soon came to a small brook, her favorite spot to draw and think. She set down her satchel, gently placed her straw hat beside it, and took out her prized sketchbook. It was quite a nice thing to see, with a leather cover and smooth cream pages. Inside was an even more pleasing sight, with many drawings of birds and leaves and insects alike. She took out her pencil, studied the gentle burble of the brook for a time, set her pencil gently upon the paper, and began to draw. She sat there for quite a while, mulling over an English essay she had been assigned and a fairytale she had recently read. She closed her eyes and gave herself up to her surroundings, the warm sunlight on her shoulders, the low babble of the brook, the chirping of the birds, the rustle of the leaves in the wind. What a glorious day to be alive.


Have a wonderful day!


Oooo fall emojis so much fance 

||winter woods|| a therian journalTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon