16. Old Friends

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"See...I will tell you again" I whispered, "My friend was dating A. But she was actually in love with B. But then she also slept with C because that was a part of a bet. She doesn't want to let go of A because he treats her well. But B happens to be her passion...her everything. She met D on a dating site and went on date with him that A saw and it messed things up. Even B came to know after this huge showdown and she is worried he would misunderstand her. Now she is with C because she has no other choice. Understand?"

"Yeah sure" Delan sighed.

"What did you understand?"

"That your friend is a bitch"

I gasped, "That was way too rude, dude"

He bent towards me and whispered, "She had 4 men in her kitty. I didn't even have that many chocolates in my pant pockets when I was her age."

"She is 17! That is no kid!!" I argued.

"She is a kid, Skylar. So are you"

"Im 20!!"

It was my tiny attempt to divert his mind. Whatever Carter said made no sense to me because I didnt know the backstory. But the gist was that Noah cannot be trusted. And for some reason, he seemed very sure that he will develop antagonistic feelings towards his family. Delan begged to differ. Even if the witches blessed Noah, they brought him back to life, he'd never join hands with them - Delan thought that. He finally concluded that he would give the throne to his brother and that too, without a fight.

Carter didn't seem happy.

On cue, I heard Carter's voice in my head while we waited behind the stage for the King and Queen to arrive. They ascend first and then we should follow.  People were slowly gathering and Noah will be here in a few minutes along with his parents. Apparently, the Queen wanted him with her. Or in other words, his life is under threat so she won't let him out of her sight.

 I cant hear a portion of Sasha's thoughts for some reason. The Queen is a total blank.
I thought - Why don't you hear certain thoughts?

This never happened before so I don't know. They did not get them erased but they are able to hide it. I can sense they are shielded.

Maybe the witches helped them?

Maybe. But trust me, the witches are vicious and they don't do anything for free. I fought them long ago and that dumbass beside you was the size of my little finger when that happened.

Carter was really frustrated that Delan won't listen to him. Rochelle shared the same opinion. It's hard to hide things from her when we were all strongly thinking of the same thing. She also tried to reason with Delan but he was hellbent that he didn't want the throne and only Noah can take it from him. I noticed that he was too disturbed after the great revelation and it did not feel good to stress him so much. If he didn't want to change his mind, then so be it. I was trying my level best to divert his attention and I didn't know if it was working.

"You won't let Noah do anything wrong" He said suddenly.

"Me?" I asked, astonished.

"When you both get married, you will do the right thing as the Queen. You won't let him make hasty decisions. I can trust you"


That's all I was able to say. Now it is my responsibility to keep his little brother from doing anything bad. Why should I play the saint? And why will I marry Noah?

It didn't seem like a bad idea when I first came here. But now, I don't see Noah more than a good friend. And after the whole witch rebirth episode, I am going to steer clear of him. And then the idea hit me like a boulder. I immediately thought about it and Carter's head turned to me.

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