26. Revisiting the Past

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I knocked frantically on Sasha's bedroom door. It was a few minutes past 1 am. I knew they'd be sleeping but I had no other choice. I needed to talk to her. Lucifer opened the door with evident irritation on his face. When he noticed that it was me, his expression changed. He rubbed his eyes and smiled at me.

"SIL" He opened the door wider, "Please come in. Is something wrong?"

"Yes, your brother" I said and stormed inside. Sasha was still sleeping in spite of my terrible pounding on the door.

I went and shook her. She moaned in her sleep.

"Sasha!" I called her.

She sprang up, "Goddess! Your highness!"

"Calm down" I rubbed her shoulders, "It's me. Dylan..."

She blinked and registered her surroundings, "Oh, it's you" She said.

"What happened to my brother?" Lucifer asked.

"He is being impossible, as usual." I said, "Why don't you go talk to him? Because he just asked me to 'get out'"

"He did what?" Lucifer asked, astonished.

"Oh" I laughed without humour, "This has been my life ever since that Alex stepped into this place! Your brother won't hear a word against him. Please, go talk to him, Lucifer. He is angry."

Lucifer did not wait for me to repeat myself. When he left the room, I shut the door and turned to Sasha.

"We need to contact Gabrielle"

Sasha's eyes widened and she stepped out of the bed, "Why now?" She whispered.

"I need to clarify a few things" I said and paced around.

"Gabrielle has been gone for more than 20 years" Sasha continued to whisper, "How do we find her now?"

Alex raised several doubts in my head when he left the palace. He was hurt and somehow it is because of me. He lost his family and somehow I was the reason for it. If it is true, then Gabrielle might have the answers to my questions. I thought a lot about what happened that night. The witches attacked me and Noah. I had my child in my arms and I was emotionally and physically weak. I couldn't handle the shadows and the witches wanted Noah. They were almost winning when the wolves intervened. They wanted to split the witches' attention - they took Noah with them and asked me to head to the palace. I didn't want to let him go - he was so small, innocent, looking at me with those small eyes...smiling even when chaos engulfed us. I remember kissing him and I handed him over to Gabrielle.

"I will keep him safe, even if it means I have to die" She promised and took Noah in her arms.

And I still remember...Gabrielle was pregnant.

"Sasha, do you know anything about what happened to Gabrielle and her baby? Once Noah was home, I never checked on her"

"I knew the fight got pretty bad. She was hurt...really hurt"

I pursed my lips and waited for her to say the truth.

"Okay, fine" Sasha sighed, "She fought for Noah, Dylan. And her child...she delivered her child after a few days. I heard that the witches took him away and she never saw him again. They've searched for the baby but no luck"

I processed everything Sasha said.

"I heard she had a daughter in the human realm and after that pretty one turned two, I didn't bother to contact her. It seemed like she didn't want to talk to me either. She lost her son because of ours, didn't she? It hurts a lot"

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