37. Looking Forward to it

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"I'm alive" Sarah shuddered and sobbed again. I handed her another tissue from the box. We were in my bedroom, catching up on whatever happened. I didn't give them any details. I told that Noah took me - true. But I fell in love with Delan. John was okay with it but after what happened with Sandy, Sarah seems to think that we'll be facing a 'vampire' apocalypse. Is that even a sane thing to say?

They both felt bad for Alex, in spite of the fact that he is one of the vampires. We dont really understand how the necklace ended up with Sandy. But Lola did come up with a theory that Sandy's bloodline must have had a witch in it. Even the slightest brush with a witch and you'll be eligible to be the heir of destruction. At the first chance she gets, Sandy does something to hurt Alex. We ended up with the conclusion that this particular necklace might not be the same one that the witches began circulating to hurt Noah. So, this must have been designed to target Alex. That means we have two necklaces to worry about - one for either of them. More witch trouble. Not to forget the sudden frenemies we have. The new Vampire Lot.

We locked up Sandy in the storage room that is below the house, like an underground tunnel. Apparently, every house in the neighborhood has it but I've never explored my house to find out. Alex was terribly hurt, almost refused to let Sandy be locked. He'd rather die and we didn't want that. To make sure that he won't bust her out, Dexter will be keeping an eye on him personally. 

And here comes the most important thing - Where is this other Vampire Kingdom?

Dexter did clear our doubts. It is in Russia.

Well, I was not expecting that. I really liked the Russian architecture and always wanted to visit the Capital - Moscow. But when Dexter continued, bile rose to my throat and I abandoned the plans. The Russian vampires are nothing like the British ones here. They do not believe in co-living with humans. For them, we are pests who need to be killed with pesticides. A nuisance they'd brush off. They are known for their ruthless Gangster life. Have you heard of Russian mobs? These are several times worse. They don't have the feeder system. They grab, drink and dispose. Thankfully, they don't kill the food when its unnecessary. 

They don't kill without reason, Period.

However, if you manage to upset them, you'd wish that they'll never find you. 

"An enemy would rather kill himself than be killed by them" Dexter had said. I felt the goosebumps raise on my arms.

"Why are they contacting us now?"

Dexter sighed, "I've always been in contact with them"

This invited Dylan's glare. She was not aware of them. But I guess her husband was only trying to save her. According to what the ex-King said, they have a deal with the Russian Vampires that they'll not infiltrate the British Kingdom and vice versa. Unless the existence of their kind is public or there is a threat to their people, they'd not interfere with each other's business. The Russians don't do anything illegal or harmful. But they do come off as scary and dangerous.

Dexter said, "They don't believe in forgiving. And just like we take our promises seriously, they take their loyalty seriously. If you give your vow of loyalty to someone, you die fighting for them"

 Only the council Advisors - Aldridge in our case and some Igor from their end communicate ocassionally. Its just a small formality. otherwise, there is no form of intercation between the two places.

Delan shook his head, "I don't get it. Why does their leader want Alex?" 

"I'm trying to figure that out" Dexter said thoughtfully.

"Ask her directly!" Victor offered, "She knows you, right?"

"Never met her" Dexter said, rubbing his temple, "She is...not very friendly"

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