40. The Switch

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How was I so blind!? Was I a fool!?

Of course!!

Alex looks exactly like Dexter! He has the same blue eyes like Dylan. He resembles her so much in terms of how they both act, just like Delan gets his father's behavioural traits. They were right there...in my face! and I never noticed? Probably, I was not the only one coming to that conclusion. Even Delan was blinking rapidly, trying to register everything.

"You are my son? Switched at birth?" Dylan shook her head, "It is not possible. I was with him after he was born...for days!"

"Until you decided to hand me over to the wolves..." Alex said, "And they never returned me back"

"Oh no!" Lola covered her mouth with her hands, "OH MY GOD!"

Igor reacted but T'sarina stopped him. 

"Noah is my brother!" She looked around frantically, "How did I not see it?? That is why he has no powers!"

"You are clever, Lola" T'sarina smirked, "Unlike other witches here"

She continued, "Gabrielle did fulfill her promise. The wolves owed you. They both had the same mission - Save the Karsons' next of kin. Gabrielle sent her son in place of yours so that any attacks will kill him but not your real son. The wolves guarded his life well until he decided to elope with dear Kassandra. They kept the secret to date. But the spells work without bias. Like you guys assumed, there is no new necklace. There is only one - and that is around Kassandra's neck. She is here to kill the King's second son."

"Why did they attack me and Noah in the palace then?" Delan asked about the attack where he was fatally hurt.

"Alex was there that day. Weren't you?"

Alex nodded, "I was visiting someone who gave me information about the coronation."

The Goddess continued, "The witches wanted to attack Alex but he narrowly escaped. And so did Noah. Delan took the blow"

Dylan was taking her time to process everything.

"So, I have been raising someone who is not mine?" Dylan's voice quivered.


However, she didn't make any efforts to embrace Alex. She kept quiet and the storm was inside her head. Even Delan maintained his distance but somehow, he always suspected it. I knew that. His behavior towards Noah changed. Eventually, he backed Alex...

"We were charmed!" I realized I said it out loud when several heads turned to me. 

"Good...Very Good" Igor seemed impressed with my observation. 

Dylan nodded and stared up at the ceiling. To be honest, there was nothing there. The stones were carved to look splendid but there's nothing remotely modern about the place.

"I wanted to name my second son after Dexter" Dylan said, "After he lost his memory...and we started over..." She swallowed the pain.

Dexter didnt say a word.

"I wanted our child to have his name..."

"I have his name" Alex said and chuckled, "Alex comes from Father's middle name...Alexander..."

"Yes" Dylan sucked in a breath and controlled her tears but the tiny droplets escaped anyway, "You hate me..."

"No..." Alex said it so weakly, even I didn't want to believe it. Forget about Dylan actually buying that.

"Alex, I saw it in your eyes when you first came to the palace" Dylan said and turned to Delan for confirmation, "Didn't you?"

Silence was the answer she needed. 

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