32. The Warning

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I know I was not looking at this huge beast for the first time but it still felt surreal. The air smelled of power and spirit. We had to help Alex to the meadow again and only Dexter, Dylan, Delan, Noah and I accompanied him. Victor stayed back to guard the Witch family and Sandy was too nauseous to come along. Gabrielle said the witches shouldn't witness the transformation. Somehow, I felt she simply didn't want to be there. I couldn't ignore Robert's 'Good Riddance expression while we stepped out. If not for their help, I would have smacked him in the face for being so insensitive. Robert only stared at Alex. I sincerely wondered what he was thinking because I noticed fear flicker on his face. 

Was it fear for Alex or Fear of Alex? 

The Wolf stood before us, tall and humongous. He was accompanied by a She-Wolf, and she was only a few inches shorter than him. Nevertheless, both of them were several times bigger than me. They greeted Dylan. It was hard not to notice that their loyalties still lie with the Vampire Queen.

"You need my help again?" The wolf said in his deep, husky voice. He reminded me of Aslan from Narnia. 

"He needs your help" Dylan gazed at Alex.

"Heavens..." sighed the She-Wolf, "What was the trigger?"

Delan answered this one, "Wolf hair"

"Hmm.." The Alpha took a step forward and hovered over Alex's limp body, "I raised him. He is gifted but he doesn't know it. A Scriba doesn't need to be a wolf to win his battles"

"Scriba?" Dylan was astonished and Noah reacted too.

"Yes" The wolf didn't look away from Alex, "I thought you'd have figured it out by now"

"No" Dexter said dryly, "They were busy hating him"

"Your Highness," The She -Wolf spoke, calm and composed despite how scary she appeared, "He is one of yours and we broke the agreement made with your ancestors. We shouldn't take one of yours into our pack. You hold the throne so you make the choice. We are ready to bear the consequences"

Dexter glared at her. I was astonished at how easily he managed to look superior. One hit with her paw and he'd be down on the ground. And yet, the wolf took a step back. 

"Tell me" Dexter said in a dangerously low tone, "Will he live?"

"He will" The Alpha answered for his partner, "But that shouldn't be your concern at the moment. You know what this means, Dexter Karson? Are you aware of what he will become?" 

"Umm... a wolf?" Noah said hesitantly.

"No, he can never attain our form. Our genes were never part of his history" The Alpha said proudly, "You must be ready for what the future holds if we let him transform. He asked us to make him one of us, we obliged. We raised and protected him from everything that threatened his existence. Now...if we do this, he will be invincible."

"How is that a bad thing?" I asked. When the She-wolf turned to me, I moved closer to Delan. To be honest, I didn't do that for the feeling of comfort. I was planning to push him towards them and run if things go wrong. As if he knew that, he took a very tiny step back, making me the centre of attention. 

"With great power comes great responsibility....and also..." He finally looked away from Alex and met Dexter's eyes, "The shadow of death" 

"You said he won't die..." Delan asked, suddenly desperate and worried.

"Your father understood what I meant" 

Dexter squared his shoulders and gazed at Dylan. She was as confused as everyone else. From what I already know, I thought the wolves would talk to her. But they seemed to be more interested in warning and brushing Dexter's memory. 

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