6. Careful what you wish for

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Now that I stand in front of the mirror and stare at my reflection, I feel stupid for what I used to wish for. There were days I would spend all my time on motivational books and do all the rituals that the mighty achievers threw at my face. Well, it's my fault. I should have framed the wish properly. That is probably why elders say that you should be careful about what you choose or ask for.

"I am a sinner. I'll probably rot in hell! I know I should have chosen differently but how could I have bought myself more time to think of an alternative..."

Her blabber seemed like a disturbing hum in the background. The constant chatter in my mind overpowered her tense voice. I knew so many things that she didn't. I am aware of a plan, a future that she has no idea about. So, does that make me a culprit too?

"Claire" I finally said, breaking her flow, "We should think about what to do next. Do you want to leave Skylar at the mercy of those vampires?"

"NO!" The answer was instant. 

And why won't it be?

She felt guilty for trading her best friend to save her dad. She knew if her dad failed to give those monsters Skylar, they'd kill him or do worse. Can there be something worse than death?


"What do we do?" Claire asked desperately.

To be honest, both of us didn't know where the Vampire kingdom is. It is well shielded from the human eye and several precautions are taken to make sure that we don't know about their existence. Seeing how 60% of the human population hails immortality, there will be increased crimes and ecological imbalance if they all try to get the potion of eternal life - Vampire blood. If the rogue vampires start to hunt down desperate humans and use them to revolt against their King, you have no idea how bad the bloodshed will be.

How do I know all that?

Research is my strongest skill. And ever since that day...I've unwillingly become a part of the Vampire world.

What I wasn't aware of was Skylar's connection with the place. I knew Claire's dad did petty tasks for them and most of my information comes from hacking her dad's database. That man thinks highly of his company and staff but a professional hacker can do more than just access his data. I'm a noble soul who uses her skills for only improving knowledge and not spreading havoc.

If the vampires wanted Skylar, then there is something special about her. 

Noah Karson - The second progeny of the King and the Queen.

Why did he want Skylar?

" I can't even take my dad's help, Sandy. He is all up for building a shrine for those vampires"

"Hmm..." Of course. They pay him a good 'price' for his loyalty.

Why do you think Claire's family is so well off while people like me have to struggle to pay the debts that my mother took from people? The fact that she is dead now along with my father doesn't help matters.

I sometimes miss them but also hate them for leaving me alone in a world where sharks disguise themselves with masks of humanity.

" If I knew where this vampire kingdom is, I'd be there as soon as possible. Do you think they are torturing her?" She asked me, a fresh wave of tears brimming in her eyes.

"I don't think so" I said. 

I was sure they won't harm Skylar. The instructions were clear - Get her to Noah Karson 'alive' and 'healthy'. 

The Real YouOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz