chapter 43

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I opened my eyes and I was in a bed.  Where am I?    I looked around and noticed guitars on the side of the wall. Off in the distance I could hear a dig chain rattling. The hell?    Door opens and I see someone I haven't seen I quite awhile.  T" well hell your awake! ".  Me" how did I get here?".   T" I got a call from Shannon and I came to get you so you wouldn't freeze to death ".  A cat jumped up on the bed cutest chunky thing .  Tomo's wife called for him and he looked at me and said " this guest room is all yours as long ass you need a place to crash".   Me" thank you I appreciate it ". He closed the door and I grabbed my phone.   The picture of Shannon and I flashed across the screen and a message appeared.  S" don't try and find me I won't be around anymore for you to use. I didn't deserve this shit. Have a great life with him. Your cold and don't care about anyone but yourself. I'm done".    I closed my phone and laid back.  I just wanted to die. It hurt so bad. Hours later, Tomo came up and checked on me and I didn't wanna do anything but stay in bed and shut out the world.  T" you should eat something ". Me" no I'm fine ". My eyes were red and burning from crying so hard.  I fell back asleep and for the next few weeks I stayed with Tomo and he got worried about me. I lost weight and began to want to give up on life. A month passed and I was in bed still broken and my phone went off.  I put it on speaker and listened  " are you there?.". It was shannon!    Me" hi".  S" where are you? ".   Me" I'm still at Tomos house ".   Silence and then I heard a dial tone. Oh that's nice he  hung up on me.   I closed my eyes and grabbed his sweatshirt I kept.  Awhile later,  the bed dipped down and I turned over my eyes half open and I saw his face. Was I having a dream again?  I reached out and he grabbed my hand and kissed it.   S" hey you ".   Me" are you really here ?". He leaned over my face and kissed me deep with passion and bliss filled my senses.  I reached around his neck and he stopped and looked at me.  S" I'm really here ".  Me" I'm sorry I hurt you ".  S" I know... ....  Tomo had been telling me everyday ".    Me" he has? ".    S"mmmhmm".    He laid his head on my chest and I ran my fingers through his hair. He moaned and reached for my hand.    S" your still wearing the ring I gave  you ".  He smiled.  Me" you gave me your heart and when you left, this was the only thing left I had ".  S" You broke my heart ".  I kissed his cheek and said " I..... ".  His eyes closed as I kissed his neck.  Me" I didn't think you were coming back ".   He kissed my arms and said with a smile.  S" love brought me back. ".   

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