chapter 15

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I stepped into the shower and was shocked. I have bruise marks on my wrists!  It wasn't a dream!    He had taken control of me while I was asleep. I washed my body and hair and finished up getting ready.  I could hear his voice in my head.  I pulled up my shirt and seen red marks.  Where do this come from?    I came out of the bathroom and looked at Jared. He made good on his word.  I had become possessed by him.  He stood by the window and I didn't say a word yet he knew I was there.   J" come here and get on your knees in front of me ".  I obeyed and got down in front of his body.   J" look at me! '.   I looked into his eyes.  J" did you really think that was a dream? ".  Me" yes sir". His fingers ran under my chin and he grinned and said " like I said I will have you whenever I feel like it. You will never tell me no...... ever. And if you do.... I will make you wish you hadn't ".  Me" yes sir".  J" sit back on your knees".  I did it and he unzipped his pants and held his cock in his hand.  J" you hungry for this? ".  Me" yes sir".  He came over above me and demanded me to stick out my tongue.  I did it.   He ran the top of his cock on my tongue.  I was about to close my lips to suck and please him and he pulled out from me.  J" that's all you will get ".  He put it back in his pants and said " get up we need to go eat lunch......then when we get home...... you will walk inside take off your clothes and give me a show of  you fucking yourself......  is this clear ?".  Me" yes Sir".  I stood up and walked in front of  him and he yanked my hair pulling my body against his chest.  J" one more thing...... if I see you near him again....... I will punish you with more painful pleasure than you could ever imagine ".   He bit my neck and kissed it.  We got in his car and headed to go eat.

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