chapter 11

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We got dressed and headed out. He decided to come with me to meet up with Kim. K" hey guys bout damn time ".   I hugged her and still in the bottom of my soul I had a green jealousy when Shannon was around her. She walked in the nail salon and I got situated in the beauty chair to get my hair done.   S" maybe I should let you two visit I feel kinda off here. ".   K" auh baby boy you can get a hair cut ".  Again jealousy came out.  She looked at me and said " you ok jewels?".    Me" I'm fine!".     She didn't know why I was upset.  S" jewels ? ".   Me" I said I'm fine!".    I sat back and let the lady pamper me and I closed my eyes and blocked out the both of em. K" so shannon how are you? ".  S" great just had coffee on the way here ".  K" that's good maybe if you come to New York, we could go to this cute cafe and..... ".    I was done!   As soon as she finished my hair, I was out.  K" Julie just stop acting like a bitch! ".  Me" stop trying to fuckin steal him ".   K" your not dating him ". Me" no.. .....  I'm not ,he's all yours then have fun".  I grabbed my car keys and left.   My phone was going off non stop and I just needed  to be away from them.  I got home and undressed and changed into a sundress.  Put on my flats and made my way to the beach.  My one happy place.  The waves crashed against the sand and felt good on my feet the sun was going down.  Hour later my body felt better.   I looked at my phone and had a bunch of missed calls. While I was headed back up to the car, I seen a man in the distance,  he was beautiful and I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He had a powerful presence.  He came closer and closer.  Oh god it was Jared.  J" let me apologize to you..... I'm sorry I hurt you ".  Me" how did you find me?".  He came over and kissed me and I almost fell on my ass. Me" Jared I........".   He pulled me tight against him and kissed me deeper.  J" come with me".  Me" mmmmmm where ".   He held my hand and took me to his car and pulled me inside and drove away.  We arrived at his house and he got out and i followed him inside.   J" you want a drink? ".     Me" sure ".  He fixed me a strong one and sat down with me and we got to talking.  He was a different person this time around.  J" come here ". I got up and he pulled me on his lap and kissed me.  My shirt was lifted over my head.  His lips tasted every inch of my skin.  Me" fuck...... you feel so good ".   He licked my chin and said " I wanna a make love to you ".  Me" you don't wanna fuck me? " J" no........ I wanna do this for you ".  Me" why? ".   He lifted me up on his waist and took me to his bed. As we laid down he took off his clothes and I wanted to taste his body on my lips. I kissed and touched all over his chest. I heard him moaning and his hands went in my hair.    J" lay down ". I did what he said and he slowly unbuttoned my pants and slid them off my body.  He leaned down and kissed my thighs and up my stomach.  I look down and his cock was a mind fuck. Oh Jesus he was gonna break me.   His lips touched my breast and I pushed up my body into his mouth.   J" you ready for me?".    I Felt his cock rub against my clit ah shit!   Me" yessss". He smiled and laughed in my ear and slid inside me.  It hurt but felt so good.  J" you ok? ". Me " yea......I'm good ". His hands locked in mine and I sucked deep in his neck. J" fuck you feel so good ".  Me" mmmmmm shit ".    He went a little faster and I wrapped my legs around his waist.  He pushed his cock in further inside me. J" your ready to cum....mmm cum for me".   I pulled his lips to mine and kissed him as I felt my pussy tighten around his dick as  I came .  J" auh fuck.... mm mm shit ". He pulled out if me completely  I looked at him funny thinking I did something wrong.   He went to the bathroom and closed the door.  I could hear him moaning loud and then silence.  He came out and smiled at me.  Me" you ok? ".   He crawled up to me and laid on his back pulling me on top of him.  I looked in his eyes as he caressed my cheek.  Me" I can't get over your eyes".  J" you enjoy yourself? ".   Me" mmmhmm you almost fuckin broke me in half ".  J"You wanna do it again ". Kissing my lips and smiled.  Me" I would love to but I dont wanna take advantage of you ". He laughed and asked me " why would you say that? ".   I leaned in and bit on his neck and said" I may not wanna stop fucking you......I may get addicted to you ".    He grabbed my ass hard in his hand and smiled. J" I just gave  you a taste of what I can do to your don't wanna see my dark side ".  Oh really now?   Me" maybe I do".  I laid on his chest and kissed his arm he had wrapped around me. J" stay here tonight with me ".  I kissed his chest to his lips.  Me" no where I'd rather be then with you here ".  J" your stuck with me ".  He kissed my head and felt like he could be the one.

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