chapter 33

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Kim was up and on her computer checking on some stuff for our Miami trip.  I was excited to get away and let loose.    I was half asleep and Shannon was on the couch.  I felt bad for how I treated him and went over to him and peaked over the couch.   He looked like the most beautiful thing ice ever seen when he sleeps.   K" hey you want some vodka?".  Me" yea hold on ". I snuck over to the front of the couch and he was turned the other way.  I got on my knees and kissed on his neck and said " yes I will marry you ".    I saw a smile came across his face and he turned to me.  Me" I'm sorry ". He kissed me and I laid on his chest.   S" you mean it? ".   Me" mmmhmm".  I crawled on top of him and felt his arms around me tight.  His body heat warmed me on this cold day in NY.  Another reason i was ready to go to Miami.  K" ok so we leave in the morning ". Me" ok ". He kissed my head and said " I need to leave to in the morning ".  I squeezed him.   Me " I wanna stay here in your arms and never let go ".   S" we have till morning baby".  I kiss his heart and and he pulled up the blankets and we both fell back asleep.  Kim grabbed her phone and wasn't gonna let this thing with Jared go.  He picked up and she said " I want your heart it was mine for awhile I know I lost it but, I want us back ".  J" you left me! You have up on us Kim!  ".  K" I need you ".   J" prove it! ".    K" how Jared, I'm in New York! ".   J" distance shouldn't fuckin matter if you love someone ".  She could hear a girls voice in the back ground.     K" that your new love?".  J' yes, yes she is ".   K" why do you hate me? ".   J" I don't I love you but you don't take my love seriously so I gave up and found love with her ".   K" she doesn't have a name ?".   She yelled in the background " my name is Nina! ".   K" who fuckin cares!Once I get to L.A. you will be no one!  Your just holding him over till I cone back! ".    J" I'm gonna go we have dinner plans".  K" you never take me to dinner ".   J" you were always high ".  K" so were you damit! Don't fuckin play like you are innocent in this! ".   J" I'm done taking to you, I love you Kim but this isn't healthy for either one of us".   K" you should give us another chance".  J" like I said, you want me prove it!".    K" I always get what I want ".  He hung up and she looked at me and said " change of plans, were going to L.A.  ".  Shannon chimed in and said " we leave to go to Paris tomorrow morning ".   K" then fuck it, we are going to Paris!  He's mine I'm gonna fuckin get his heart back ".    A fight was coming, it wasn't gonna be pretty.

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