chapter 18

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I didn't know how to feel inside.  Shannon's heart was mine if I wanted it and Jared?  Well he was about to make me remember the only reason he wanted me around .   J" where were you? ".   I was scared.  Me" I was at the gas station that's why I'm late ".  He came over to me and leaned in kissing my neck and said " you were with him, you smell like cologne ".  Damn!    J" take off your clothes ".  Me" I don't want to ".  J" if you do I will pleasure you and make you cum soaking the bed ".  Oh shit he was good.  I took off my skirt and my undies.  He felt me down there and instantly I arched into his touch.  J"did he make you cum ?".  Me" yes sir".    His hand moved up my body and stopped at my breast he squeezed hard and I gasped.  J" your still horny aren't you? ".   Me" mm mm yes ". J" you want me to fuck you ".   Me" please. ..   . yea".   J" get on the bed !".  I quickly got on the bed and laid down waiting for him.   J" spread your legs ".  I did as I was told, he licked his lips and slowly took off his pants.  I felt myself already wanting to cum at the sight of  his cock and the anticipation of him fuckin me.  He strokes it a couple times and kept his eyes on me. His hand ran up my thigh fuck he was so close I wanted him bad.  He hoovered over me and looked down to me. Me" auh yeaaaa......right there ".  He pushed it in and out of me teasing me driving my body crazy.   And then...... Fuck!   J" Jesus your so may times did he fuck you ".   Me". mmmmmmm once......that's all ".    He pushed in deeper and sped up.  J" do you love him ". Kissing my chin and shoulder.  Me". No.... mmmmmm no ".  J" do you love me? ".    Me" Yesssss".   He looked in my eyes and said " well guess what....... ".   He pounded me harder and held my arms down.  J" I don't fuckin love you ".  My heart was ripped in pieces.   What have I done?    Me" don't? ".    He leaned down and said " No...... and I never will".  I felt pain like no other.   Sex was his game over me.  I didn't wanna cum but he reached down and rubbed my pussy and I couldn't hold back.  J" cum for me........ do it".  I gripped his arms tight screaming out  and came.  Moaning in my ear he released inside me.   I just wanted to leave.   He got off of me and went to clean up in the bathroom.  I laid there looking at my phone, wanting Shannon more than ever but I felt it was too late.   I took a deep breath and texted him.  Me" hey you there? ".  Surprisingly, he texted back.  S" hey, how are you? ".    Me" I'm sorry I hurt you ".  S" you mean that or just wanna play with me again?".   me" no I mean it...... I love you ".  He sent me a rose and said " that's all I was waiting for you to say...... I wanna see you ".  Me" I will meet you out front in 10".   S" I will be there ".  Me " ok see ya in a sec ".  J" who the fuck are you talking to? ". He snatched my phone away and threw it against the wall, shattering it in pieces.  Me " why did you do that? ". He slapped me hard and lost my breath.  I held my cheek and laid back not making eye contact with him. J" oh, so you do love him!  YOU FUCKIN LIED TO ME! ".   He climbed on top of me and got in my face.   Me" I'm sorry ".  He looked me dead in my eyes and said with anger in his voice " I know he's coming here and I'm gonna make sure you don't get to see him".   I didn't move an inch.  I could hear Shannon's car pull up and all I wanted to do was run to him and be safe in his arms.  Jared leaves the room and left the door half way cracked.  Seconds later the front door opens and I could hear Shannon's voice.  J" why are you here Shannon? ".  S" where is she? ".  J' she's taking a bath, why? ".   S" I'm here to take her to my house ".  J" why cant she stay here?".    S" Jared just stop! Julie!!!! ". I  was scared to answer him ".   J" see! She's busy ".  He tried to push past Jared but Jared didn't budge.  S" whatever". He gave up and left.  He left.  Jared closed the door and I knew I had to get out somehow.   Later that night I grabbed my purse and his phone forgetting it wasn't mine &  put on a hoodie then left out the front door.   I called Shannon and he didn't answer. Me" fuck please pick up! ".  I called again and he answered I lost it!    S" Julie?  Baby what's wrong? ".   Me" please......come save me......please I need you ". I cried so hard I couldn't breathe. S" ok I'm coming baby....... don't move ".  Me" hurry ".  Minutes later, he pulled up around the corner and I got inside as quick as I could.  I looked at him and sobbed.  He pulled around the corner out of sight of Jared's house  and turned off the car , threw off this seatbelt and pulled me into his lap.  I wrapped my arms tight around his neck.  S" your ok baby.......  I'm here....I love you ". I looked in his eyes and he wiped away my tears and kissed me.  That kiss tasted like sweet seductive heaven to my lips.  Me" I love you...   thank you ". 

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