chapter 41

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J" you know who made you happy in the first place right? ".  Me" that wasn't happiness, that was you feeding my fuckin fix and keeping habit happy".    J" can I tell you something? ".  Me" what ".  J" I never fully quit ". I looked at him in shock. Me" so all of that going to meetings and telling us you quit was all a lie?".   J" yea, but no one knows but you ".    Me" I'm not gonna go back there ever again ".  He pulled out a bag of pills and looked back at me. J" open your mouth ".   Me" Jared....... don't do this".  He put two in his mouth and leaned down kissing me and I swallowed them down.  His hand went around my neck and he said " you've always been mine.......I just let Shannon have you for a little while.....I hope you didn't really think that he could keep you ".   I felt tears and knew that he was gonna drag me back under his possession again.  J" your legs".   I obeyed like I always do and he pushed his hand up and down my thighs.  J" mm mm lemme take care of that ".    He kissed and bit all over my neck and slid his fingers inside my pussy.  J" shit your so tight...... mmmmmmm I should just fuck you ".  Pills were kicking in. Me" please....... ".   J' please what? ".  Licking my chin. Me" fuck me........ please fuck me"

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