chapter 13

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I arrived at my house and needed to change clothes to be ready for lunch with Kim.  We spoke and well it was my own insecurity that was getting in the way of our friendship. Plus Jared now was mine.  At least I thought.  K" did you have fun last night?".   Me " oh god I didn't tell you did I? ".   K" no you haven't because ever since I've been here you have been a moody bitch and we haven't had any girl time you slut!".   Me" how did you know I had sex? ".   K" I didn't you just admitted it!  Ahhhhh is he hot? ".  Me" he's a singer in a band ".  K" well that tells me a lot! ".   Me" blue eyes very powerful man he likes to be in control and he smiles oh god when he smiles........damn".   K" you like him a lot huh?".   Me" we had sex ".  K" sex don't equal love baby doll ".  Me" I know that ".  She came in front of me and grabbed her purse.  K" just be careful with your heart ok ".  Me" yes.......ok".  K" hey all I'm gonna say is if he hurts you I will make him woman. ".  Me" I gotcha......I really like his cock so I'd rather him keep it ".  K" you whore!  ".  She jumped in my car and we took off.  I felt my pulse race every time I thought about him.  He definitely had control over my thoughts.   Mm mm coffee.  Shannon?  Really?    S" hey Kim how are you ".   Me" hi ".   S" I wasn't talking to you was I? ".    K" hey be nice ".   S" she's being a ..,..".  Me" a what Shannon? Hmmm? ".  S" yea I'm gonna go ".   Me" good ".   He walked out of the shop and I ordered my drink of choice.  K" so where.......what is he doing? ".   Me" who cares".   I couldn't help but look out to him.  He had coffee all over his shorts I felt bad for him.  I asked for a rag and went to meet up with  him.  Me" here lemme help ......".  He snatched it from me and glared at me.  Me" why are you acting like this? ".   S" like what?  Like a man who really likes you and waited all fuckin night at your house to spend time with you? ".   Auh he did?  Now I felt bad.  Me" I'm sorry".   S" why my brother?  Could be anyone else ".   Me" I like you Shannon but...".  He pulled my hand so I was closer to him. He held around my waist and I looked in his eyes.  S" Do I scare you? ".   Me" no why would you....   ".  His lips kissed my neck and enticed my senses.   Me" I can't do this with you ". His hands squeezed my body tight against his. S" you crave love..... you need me chose lust...... why?'.   Me" why do you say Jared is lust? ".   He ran his finger over my lips and I closed my eyes and kissed it. Suddenly across the parking lot unnoticed, Jared was pulling into a spot and caught sight of Shannon and I.  Little did i know I would soon see his deepest darkest sexual  fantasies come out to play.  And it wouldn't all be pleasure.   

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