chapter 6

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He was gonna be here in 10 minutes, I was so nervous.  I didn't know what to wear either. I had changed my clothes so many times.  Finally I found the perfect dress. A short pink one with black heels.  I pinned  up the sides of my hair and let then rest fall over  my shoulders.   Knock knock. Oh crap he's here.  I wait a minute then open my door.  He smiled and fuck he looks so sexy.   J " damn you look beautiful ".  I blushed and felt my cheeks burn again.  He grabbed my hand and spun me around.  Me" thank you, you look pretty hot yourself I must say ".  He bit his lip and pulled me in close.  J" I'd love to see what your hiding underneath all of this dress.  Me" mm mm if your good you might just get that request ".  He kissed and nibbled on my neck. J" I'd like that. ...... but not tonight ".  Me" why is that? ".   J" romance is on my agenda with you, not sex ".  I felt shivers all over my body. What a sensual man,  he was winning me over fast.  We made our way to his car.  I could never get over how fuckin sexy his car was.  He turned on the radio and we took off.  Soon after we pulled to the curb  for valet .  He helped me out which I wasn't used to just yet.   J" I have a surprise for you ". Me" really now....what's that? ".    A man escorted us to the back of the restaurant .Jared covered my eyes and stood behind me and whispered in my ear " open your eyes.".  A beautifully lit table top covered in red roses and two classes filled with Rosay and no one else was near by.  Auh my heart was all his right then and there.   Me" its beautiful ".  He kissed my bare shoulder and said " I wanna steal your heart tonight ".  I turned to him and said " I may just let you have it..... this is just..... ". He kissed me and we got seated.  The waiter  took our order and we waited . He reached for my hand and held it in his.   The night was going so well I couldn't believe it.  As we walked out of the door he pulled me in a deep kiss. Off in the distance,  I could hear a motorcycle.  Sounded sexy.  I had a weak spot for bad boys.   J" you have to leave tomorrow? ".  Me" yea ". He held me close and I felt so happy.  Money didn't buy happiness or love.  J" when can I see you again? ".   Me " I guess when you come to Miami again or I come to L.A.  ".  He ran his fingers through my hair and I caught sight of the guy on the motorcycle over Jared's shoulder.  I watched him take off his helmet. Auh shit it was Shannon !  Well now!    I hugged around Jared's waist and watched  Shannon get off his bike.  He turned and seen me and I felt my pulse race.  He came over to us and said " hey guys ".  Me"hey ". He smiled at me and Jared let me go. J" we were gonna head out the the boardwalk for awhile ".  S" oh well that's cool.... I'm gonna grab some food ". Shannon looked at me again and winked. What the?  J" see ya later were gonna take off. ".  S" alright....  later " I watched him as he looked back to me and smiled.  I got in the car with Jared and we took off.  I was curious about this man now.  What was Shannon all about? 

Darkness for light (completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora