•Chapter 16•

Începe de la început

He comes over and kisses the top of my head and sits down next to me.

"Did you two sleep well?" Mamma Birlem Asked us.

"Yeah we did" Joey says.

"Good, here you go, Joey" She says as she hands Joey a plate of food.

Joey begins eating and soon finishes.

"We are going to the mall mom if that's okay" Joey says to his mom.

"Of course sweetie, just be careful" she tells us.

"Soph, can I borrow some of your clothes?" I ask her.

"Of course, take whatever you'd like don't ask me" She says.

She stands up and we both go to her room and Joey and Mamma Birlem stay talking.

"Pick what you like." She says as she sits on her bed.

"So have you and my brother done IT yet?" She asks me.

"What?" I ask confused.

"You know, sex, have you and Joey had sex." She says.

"Oh well no, not yet, why do you ask?" I ask her as I turn around and look at her.

"Because, he usually just goes out with a girl for sex, I don't want you to get hurt, your the first girl I like that he has brings home." She says.

I stand there in shock.

"W-What?" I say.

"I'm sorry you had to find out like this, I just wanted to warn you, he should have been the one to tell you but, well he's not what he seems like." She says standing up.

"Ugh, I almost had sex with him yesterday! I told him I was going to be ready. But I'm not doing this with him, I want someone loyal not someone that is a fucking player." I tell her on the verge of tears.

"Look just get ready and go with him to the mall, or I can come with you. If he wants you to have sex with him refuse to." She says.

"Alright, thank you Soph, you are the best." I say hugging her.

I grab the outfit I picked out and go into her bathroom and change.

I grab the outfit I picked out and go into her bathroom and change

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

I begin to cry out of frustration.

I can't believe he didn't tell me, he's a fucking player.

Only wants me for sex, I know I wasn't good enough, all these lies he's been telling me.

I grab Sophia's blow dryer and dry my hair.

I walk out and I see Sophia sitting at her vanity.

"Come I'm, do you makeup and do your hair." She says and stands up from her vanity to make me sit.

I sit down and do my makeup and then I straighten my hair.

I finish and stand up.

"Let's go, Joey must be waiting and I'll be here don't worry." She says smiling and I nod.

We go downstairs and I see Joey sitting in the couch.

"You look good babe." Joey says trying to hug me around the waist.

I stop his arms and just mumble a 'thank you'.

He looks at me in confusion but I just keep looking at the ground.

"I'm coming with you guys, I need some stuff." Sophia says.

Joey nods and we get in his car.

I keep my hands in my lap and when he tries to grab my hand I refuse.

He seems more and more confused each time.

"Are you okay babe?" He asked me.

I just nod not saying anything.

We soon arrive at the mall and we both get out.

"Y/n you and I should head to Victoria's Secret, come on, I'll buy your things." She says and leads me away from Joey.

"I know you wanted to be away from him, come on I'll buy you what you want." She says and takes me to Victoria's Secret.

We soon finding shopping and Sophia bought me tons of stuff.

I got 2 hoodies, 10 panties, 10 bras, 1 pair of shoes, 1 pair of sweatpants, 5 shirts, and 3 pairs of jeans.

Honestly I wasn't going to let her buy all that stuff for me but she insisted and bought it anyways.

She's like my best friend.

Soon Soph, Joey and I go back to his car and we head back to his house.

A/N: thanks for reading! I tried to make drama in it! So stay tuned 😉

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