Chapitre 9 - Aveux

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Germany | 2002 

To avoid the conflict, Chaeyoung decided to date Eunho in secret. After that kiss, after the confession, Eunho decided that it's their first day. For both, it's their first real experience with a girl. Eunho dated girls back in high school, but it's not that serious, while Chaeyong never has the guts to make a confession to a girl. It's a new experience for Chaeyoung, She might be one year older than Eunho, but Eunho leads her just fine. They spent a lot of time in Eunho's apartment since Yugyeom always crashes in Chaeyoung's place.

Chaeyoung doesn't have the guts to tell her best friend that she dated the women he liked a lot. Chaeyoung wants to do this relationship in secret as well as they know the Korean community could be so conservative. But Eunho is more free-spirited one, she's doesn't scared of anything, she doesn't mind to tell the world about her feeling. But, she tried to hold it for Chaeyoung. 

Been a long time since Yugyeom talked about Eunho as well. Sometimes Chaeyoung feels that Yugyeom didn't like Eunho anymore. Yugyeom never brought up the topic again.

Until one day, Yugyeom knocks Chaeyoung's apartment door.

"Gabriel it's fucking Saturday leave me alone!" Chaeyoung opens the door while whining at him.

Chaeyoung is shocked at the view. Yugyeom in a suit, so neat.

"What are you doing?"

Yugyeom giving Chaeyoung his biggest smile.

"I would make a confession, today"

Chaeyoung takes a big gulp.

"What do you mean by confessing?"

"To Eunho, of course"

"What? You you you you never talk about her anymore like, for 3 months, Gabriel" Chaeyoung's anxiety kicking. 


"So, why confessing then?"

"It doesn't mean that I stop liking her, Chaeng"

Chaeyoung's lips are tremble, she can't say anything.

"Help me, please, please" Yugyeom begs. "I would like to confess at the get-together tonight, help me make things grande"

"She really hates something grande, Gabe, if only you knew," said Chaeyoung in her heart.

"Yugyeomah, you know that I hate to come to the get-together, right?"

"Just this time, please, please. She's your Hoobae, I just need you to tell her that she should come to the party, that's it"

Chaeyoung takes a big sigh. It will be cruel if she didn't help Yugyeom. But she already knows that he might get rejected tho. She can't see Yugyeom got broken hearted again. Especially, Chaeyoung will make her broken. 

"There's something about her, that I couldn't forget, Chaeng. The past 3 months, I've been busy with a business project competition, and you know I've been working my ass off, you also know, I got first place. I determined to make a confession if I got first place, and I did it. So, I need to do it. I don't care about the result, Chaeng. She might not like me back, I just want to let this out of my chest"

Chaeyoung takes a deep breathe again. Chaeyoung is so sure that he will have his heart broken even though he said that he didn't care about the result. It will be messy when Yugyeom experiences a broken heart. 

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