Chapitre 8 - Héros

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Seoul | 2018  

Chaeyoung opens up the brown box. Too many time she opens this brown box. When she misses Eunho so badly, she will certainly open her pandora box. It fills with their memories from Germany days and when they both lived in Korea in a short period of time. It became her routine, opened the box, look at every picture, and ended up watching their wedding video. She would wrap her body inside the blanket while holding the remote and cry after. She would fell asleep at the couch after and wake up with her puffy eyes.

"Whooooa, we are totally look alike, aren't we? I could see myself in Mina, except of course I am prettier, but damn she's young" Eunho ask Chaeyoung who fix her eyes on screen watching their wedding video.

Chaeyoung only stares at her "Shut up".

"I think her nose is more pointed, and her short hair is killing, right? I would definitely like her. Oh and her eyes so beautiful"

Eunho then sits beside her, she looks at her who refused to look back.

"Chaeyong, stop watching this........"

Chaeyoung won't listen. Then tears run down her face.

"Why did you leave me, Eunhoya?" She asks without looking at her because when she looked at her seat, it's empty. Making her more cry after.

"I miss you, Eunho, terribly miss you"

She says it in her cry.

It's unusual but in the morning, she tries to jog it out. From Seongsangdong, down to Mapo-dong. She runs like there's no yesterday, she runs to vent her feeling out. Sometimes, Chaeyoung didn't know how to stop, just like she didn't know how to stop longing for her wife in her life. Makes her stuck in the same place all over again.

Before she knows it, she's now in Sinchon. Making her run for more than 5K from her home. She stops then, and find a way to a mini market cause she realizes that she's thirsty. This university area is really quiet in the morning, wait till the afternoon, It's gonna be hell, especially since it's the weekend. 

"Welcome........" The store girl can't finish her sentence upon seeing Chaeyoung. Her face suddenly turns into an annoyed face.

Chaeyoung also coldly just enter the store, even though she knows who's behind the counter. Chaeyoung immediately grabs cold isotonic water and she drinks it. She catches her breath. 

"MINA-SSI, COME OUT! PAY YOUR DEBT" All of sudden 2 guys who look like thugs come to the store. Chaeyoung then looks at the counter. Mina's gone, she's now hiding behind the counter, she could see her tops. Chaeyoung then stands behind the counter fastly.

"Hello, can I help?" Chaeyoung then talks to them with her flat face.

"We are looking for Mina, where is she?"

"She's not here anymore, I am the replacement for Miss Mina"

"You look too old to be a part-timer" One of the thug smirk.

"Thanks, you got a problem with that?"

The Thug A is ready to punch her because of her attitude, but then Thug B stops him "Dude!"

"Please leave, Mina's not here, don't create a mess"

Thug A about to go to Chaeyoung again triggered by her attitude.

He then kicks a rack in front of him and leaves, making all the food fall down.

Chaeyoung then looks to outside the window.

"You could come out," Chaeyoung said it while picking up all the foods on the floor.

"Leave it to me" Mina then come out and also picking things up.

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