Chapter XVI: Sing

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I try to pass the night away with somebody new
But they don't have a shot when i compare them to you
It's too late
Too late

Baby i know I'll never find you again
Find you again

Camila finished her breakfast and decided that 4 am is a good time as ever to go to the studios. Last night she couldn't get any sleep as she read the script for the upcoming scene over and over again. She was so lost in the words, couldn't understand the conflicting messages these complex characters where conveying anymore.

So far, we had Luna who's clearly dying from the virus, verg slowly because she's a fighter. We have Cammy who is in a complete state of denial about the situation and insists everything is sunshines and daisies. Luna is trying to put her on the spot and repeatedly shock her with bold statements. She wants a genuine reaction out of Cammy.

The final scenes were shocking to Camila to read. She wondered if she would have done the same thing.


Luna watched the fire crackle, sitting against the tree. They camped in the fir Forrest for tonight.

She raised her head and coughed. But the cough was followed by four other throat-burning ones. She titled her head down and placed her hand under her mouth. When the cough was over, Luna's eyes landed on small spots of blood on her hand, she wiped them out very quickly and swallowed.

Cammy joined her back after she had been roasting pine nuts with the boys. She offered some for Luna who refused with a smile.

Cammy sat down next to her and ate thoughtfully.

Luna was starting to get very cold, and they had wrapped her with every jacket they found in abandoned cabins. They weren't far from Canada anymore and they were starting to wonder when they'd see living people again.

The missiles didn't reach that far so where's everyone?

"papa isn't dead" Cammy whispered

Luna looked at her with tired eyes "forgive me"

Cammy hugged Luna tightly, burying her face in the blanket that was covering her.

"you'll get to Canada, and you'll pass the border. You'll have a good life, away from this wreckage. You'll see a therapist to deal with the PTSD of this last year, and you'll pull through. Just like i know you would." Luna whispered to her

Cammy muttered back "we're getting there together"

Nate was telling Raphy stories about how he once hatched a quill from supermarket eggs, and how crazy it is that people eat unborn baby animals like savages.

"i see your point, do you know in 30 years all the coral reefs will be dead? The world is ending with or without an apocalypse" Raphy joked

"i want to go live in Tahiti or something, in a house by the sea, take care of animals there and clean the beach" Nate stared at the stars

Raphy smiled "come i want to show you something" he got up and walked further in the forest with a torch

Nate followed him.
Mary eyed them and said "don't wander off very far"

Nate had a gun on his waist, he nodded and left.

He followed Raphy until the reached a patch that looked very normal to Nate. Raphy sat against the tree and sighed.

"what?" Nate sat next to him

"what?" Raphy asked back

"what did you want to show me?" Nate laughed his face closer to Raphy than he had ever been

He swallowed at their eyes met and their smile faded. Raphy didn't want to die tomorrow, not knowing what Nate's lips taste like. That was that.

They sealed the distance between them with a tender kiss, as Raphy picked up Nate's hand with both of his, and warmly held it.

After they broke the kiss

Nate smiled "well that's just a wonderful thing to see"

"take me with you, wherever you'd want to go after this?" Raphy asked, his eyes on their hands

Nate leaned in and placed a loving kiss behind Raphy's ear "I'd never leave my partner behind"

Raphy laughed, Nate's breath tickling his neck, he squirmed away and playfully pushed the man's face away with his palm.

"would i have to go vegan though?" Raphy asked

"why would, it's completely your choice, not doing so wouldn't make me love you any less" Nate sopke instinctively, quickly realizing his slip of words "like! I mean like!

"i love you too" Raphy climbed on Nate's legs and took him in for a long kiss, he took his time enjoying Nate's head against his chest. Before Nate slowly lifted Raphy's shirt.


"are you really okay?" Camila asked

Lauren silently poured herself tea and ate a molasses cookie "yep"

"if you like to talk abou-"

Lauren interrupted "i'm in no mood for your best friend straight act today Camila, go play taylor swift somewhere else"

"i love you, don't do this" Camila started "you'll ruin every piece of our friendship for this fantasy of yours. We were great friends one dad weren't we?"

Lauren shamelessly stopped very close to the shorter girl, purposely intimidating her by leaving three inches of air between their faces "friends. Don't know the way you taste. Friends don't want more of it. They certainly don't go weak in the knees and start dripping wet when they're close to each other. They don't feel like their hearts are playing heavy metal when they're so close to kiss. They don't visit each others rooms after 3 am just to chat. They don't have tension that could cut the communication lines of the planet. They don't want endless hugs. They don't want to see each others faces every morning. They certainly don't have near as much drama as we do"

Camila touched Lauren's lips and pushed her away "unless you want me to act like i know how any of this feels, leave me alone"

She quickly gathered her things and left the trailer. Her heart about to jump out of her chest and her legs speeding away like fragile sticks.


Just when you make your way back home
I find some time to be alone
I go to see the place once more
Just like a thousand nights before
I climb the stage again this night
'Cause the place seems still alive
When the smoke is going down
This is the place where I belong
I really love to turn you on
I've got your sound still in my ear
While your traces disappear
I climb the stage again this night
'Cause the place seems still alive
When the smoke is going down
I climb the stage again this night
'Cause the place seems still alive
When the smoke is going down
When the smoke is going down
When the smoke is going down

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