Chapter XV: Patient L

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Camila and Lauren went to a promotional party together with the cast of the movie "The Radient Cancer". They arrived in seperate cars, Lauren a bit late.

Camila wore a latina autumn and yellow summer dress, with artistic light make up and her hair on one side. She was struggling with herself to walk in high heels and was hoping to God she doesn't trip.

Lauren showed in a black and red bold dress, that was fashioned with silver jewelry; with an expensive pendant of a vile containing a daek red fluid. It was a fashion statement, she was here, and she's ready to boil everyone's blood.

Her hair was pulled behind and styled to look the most natural, with dark red lipstick. Lauren looked at the camera and slightly raised an eyebrow, it was her green-eyed signature pose. Flash

Flash flash flash

She walked behind her co stars until she reached the hall where the luxurious dinner tables are placed. The project runners informed her that her seat will be on table 1, next to Camila.

"this is crazy" the main actor next to her spoke "this movie is gonna be huge ain't that right?"

His co star replied to him with an English accent "it surely has spiraled out of control, i didn't expect it to gather that much attention and hype. Why'd you reckon?"

"It's our friends over there mate, their fan base is huge" he answered

"i wouldn't say huge" Lauren chimed in "but it's definitely vicious"

"if this movie doesn't win an Oscar I'd be pissed" Camila showed up and sat down next to Lauren "I mean i thought we deserve one for these sex scenes at least, i really put on my best show and tried to be as gay as possible"

Lauren fixed her with a look of anger and disappointment "i wouldn't say you were that good at it"

"ladies, ladies, why are you always at each other's necks?" their co star who plays Mary asked

"where's Ty? Isn't he coming?" Camila directed her question at Lauren

"not that it's any of your business" Lauren started "he cheated on me and we broke up. Yesterday."

Everyone stopped what they were doing at the table at looked at Lauren with concern, trying to find something to say. Lauren took notice and laughed "guys, seriously? I'm more than okay with it"

"if you say so" Camila said with a no-longer-rude hushed tone of voice. She looked away, telling herself, there's no way she had any feelings for her best friend. She didn't want to admit she wanted to hug her tight and tell her how much she's valuable.

Camila smiled to herself and glanced at Lauren who was chatting with their friends. She knew Lauren could survive worse, and that nothing like this would ever make her doubt her self worth. For that she was grateful.
As for Camila's feelings.
For starters, she's completely straight and any feeling would be just her confusing being platonic soulmates with romantic love.

Platonic soulmates is a thing right?

All that Plato's philosophy about platonic non sexual love, and how pure and devine it is... What's it called in ancient greek, ágape. Agape. Right ? That's it.

I don't want her body
But i'm picturing her body with somebody else...

Suddenly she was singing the 1975 soundtracks in her head and had spaced out.

Camila believed in soulmates, but she believed that there's different types of soulmates as well.

Camila stood up "I'm going to the bathroom, i'll be back"

MOVIE: The Radiant CancerWhere stories live. Discover now