Chapter XIII: A MOVIE?

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The people on the set ran around fixing the scenery, the workers adjusted the lights and checked the footage again, the camera men made sure their three cameras are working at different angles, the director rushed to talk with the producer and a few more people. The script writers observed the work being done and discussed among themselves the characters development, and the way the events are unfolding.

The actors retreated to their chairs and refreshed with water and snacks, they reviewed their lines.

Lauren had her lines completely memorized already, she wasn't here to play. A month ago, she agreed to do this to show Camila that she was still her friend. That she wasn't 'afraid' of camren, their ship.
That she don't care what their fans had to say about those two ex band mates of fifth harmony who are dating other people but are somehow secretly in love.
Because Camila was like 'you pushed me away because camren gave you a headache didn't you? So we just had to stop being around each other because people thought we look good together. Big deal! Prove to me that you don't care what they think and that you're still my friend'

And so Roger showed them the Hollywood movie offer, written by a not so brilliant movie writer. Lauren, to her own surprise, said yes.

She left the set and headed towards the make-up station to get ready for the next scene.

"okay i want our Luna completely exhausted and sweaty" the director instructed the make up artist "and try to make Cammy look like she'd been crying"

The script manager discussed the scene with the crew "okay so Mary tells them everything, and then we have a time skip to when Luna actually gets infected again, and there's nausea, vomiting, a headache, fever, Dizziness, Disorientation, Weakness and fatigue. Which her body is trying to fight really hard."

Lauren Jauregui closed her eyes and allowed the lady to do her makeup.

"why did we agree to do this stupid movie again?" she asked Camila

"I'm still not over the fact that we filmed a sex scene" Camila laughed

"two of them" Lauren corrected, not sure what's so funny about it.

"but hey, if it's making fans happy, it gets us money, everyone is cool. The story is a bit lame but, who cares." Camila sighed

"the only thing people literally care about is seeing us together" Lauren added

"which reminds me, the writers have very poor flirting skills. I know for a fact we'd do better in real life" Camila joked

"honey, you have no game whatsoever" Lauren laughed

Camila pretend to grasp "how dare you, i can kill with a wink"

"you tripped during the chase scene" Lauren giggled

"haha. I bet you still laugh at that jauregui, seriously shut up" Camila smiled

"so did you sneak a look at the final script? Looks like Nate and Mary won't be coupled up together after all" Lauren announced

"what? Noo, i was shipping them so hard" Camila frowned

"yes but the ending is good" Lauren shrugged

"i can't wait. I have to start working on my third album, i still can't believe Roger is making me do this" Camila sighed

"how's Matthew?" Lauren asked

"not in his best moods, he promised he will try to be here during the last day of filming... He doesn't really like this whole movie idea" Camila explained

MOVIE: The Radiant CancerWhere stories live. Discover now