Chapter IX : Frostbite

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Cammy opened her eyes, her heart was beating fast and she didn't know why, paranoid, she sat up quickly and searched the room. Luna was sleeping on her side next to her.

She let out a sigh and relaxed. Cammy allowed herself to lay back down, when she heard noises.

"Luna" Cammy whispered "are you crying?"

Luna hugged the pillow tightly not showing her face to the other girl, she wasn't crying, she was sobbing, silently.

"i d-on know what happened with me its like something just clicked" she said with a shaking voice "it's been so hard Cammy, i miss them so much and i miss Gaia and life when things seemed alive"

She turned around and lowered the pillow. Cammy looked into her eyes and it was like the green planets were invaded by a dark red thin strings of blood.

One eye in particular Cammy noticed, was bloodier than the other.

"Luna... Your eyes..."

Cammy stormed out of bed and jumped to Luna's side, she dragged the confused girl out and pulled her closer to the cabin's closet mirror.

Luna's eyes widened at their own sight.

She had been crying since 4 am, and glancing at the clock, it was 6. But something inside told her, crying couldn't have possibly done this.

"how do you feel? Do you feel sick? Are they burning? Do they hurt?" Cammy showered her with questions.

It wasn't just the white of her eyes that was bloody red. The green pigment of her iris in her left eye had thin lines of red.

"I'm radiated. Stay away from me" Luna warned

"no you don't know that! You can't be" Cammy protested

"i was in direct contact with Gaia the longest, and i wasn't wearing protection. She died of over exposure to radiation since we didn't have a suit for her" Luna explained

"does it hurt? Luna it looks like it hurts" Cammy was shaking

"my left eye burns a bit, and the muscle of my eyelid is pulsing from time to time" Luna pressed her eyes closed, she attempted to rub them with her hands but Cammy yanked them down.

Luna backed away "What the hell are you doing i told you stay away"

"don't rub your eyes, and I'm not staying away, we had sex last night remember? Whatever you think is happening to you, will happen to me sooner or later" Cammy argued

"it takes eleven days max to die of radiation poisoning, unless treated immediately after its discovered. We need to see the doctors" Luna sighed

Cammy's heart felt like it was being squeezed in a blender. She took steps closer and cupped Luna's cheek. Luna had to close her eyes to wince from the low burning in her left eye.
She felt Cammy's lips meet hers in a calm comforting kiss.

There was knocking on the door.

Cammy and Luna put on warm clothes and wore their Hazmat suits, they secured their masks and gloves.

Cammy addressed Luna before opening the cabin door "not a word of this to anyone before we see the doctors, your eyes might have gone red from crying"

Luna shook her head "i had them turn red from weed before remember, this is different"

"we'll have breakfast and go to the medical quarters straight after" Cammy decided

She opened the door

Raphy's masked face showed up, the masks had a protective transparent plastic all over people's faces and the respiratory devices a little below the mouths. Camp Wasp had better masks than Camp Bear did.

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