"No," I raised my eyebrow at him before motioning with my head at the barn that stood in front of us,"No ,Shane, that barn- ," he sighed and slightly stood in front of me. "The barn is secure. We didn't even know about it till this morning."

"You're right, we didn't know," my eyes turned into a harsh glare when they focused in on him," Now we do, right? We know that there is over a dozen walkers in there. We know that its about a stones throw from our camp, Rick, where we fucking sleep. So look, " I pointed at him so that his eyes would focus on me," either we go in there and clear it out or we just got to go-"

"We're not gonna clear it out and we're not gonna go!"

"We at least need our guns-"

"We can't have them! Not here-"

I slammed my hand down on what I had been previously laying on, Rick stopped talking and his eyes flipped from the barn to me,"Then what Rick!? Why do you wanna stay here when it's not safe, and when we can't even protect ourselves with guns!"

He came closer and motioned with his hand for me and him to work together,"We can make it safe."

"How are we gonna do that?"

"We will-"

"No we can't!"

"Yes we can, everything's gonna be oka-"

"No man! It's not okay!"

"Shane, Lori's pregnant!" My mouth was open ready to yell but his words made me snap my mouth shut, no it can't be true. I looked at the ground trying to make sense of what he had just said, if she really is pregnant... "We need to stay."

I licked my dry lips as we stared at each other, this is why he wanted to stay on this stupid farm, fuck Sophia, it was all for Lori...how long has she been pregnant? I shook my head to clear my thoughts,"We need our guns Rick."

"No, I can work this out." I only looked at him as he turned and began to make his way back to the stupid families house, I just closed my eyes and brought up my hand to slam against my forehead, suddenly his footsteps stopped and he turned back to look at me,"You good?"

"Ya,Lori's having a baby man.....congratulations."

He nodded slowly before turning back around and walking towards the house, "Thank you." I guess..

( Maggie POV )

I had heard my fathers footsteps approaching me, even after he had said hello to me I forced myself to stay silent, to ignore his words and his eyes but it was hard to. He quickly caught on and turned to face me as I angrily began to cut up some herbs."Carl doesn't need anymore of my help."

I only glanced up at him before muttering,"So that's it then?"

"Rick was just here, making his case," he pulled out a chair and sat down in front of me as I angrily tossed one of the leaves onto the cutting board,"It'll be hard and they'll have to be careful, but, he was being dramatic. They're a strong group, they've done well on their own, they are just gonna have to go out on their own and find their own farm. There is plenty of them now to choose from."

I had began cutting them angrily again but I began to speak without making eye contact with him," There aren't, everyone of them nearby is either burned down or full of walkers-" I snapped my mouth shut as I said that word. walkers...that's what they were. They weren't people anymore, I'd learned this first hand, twice, and both times I had to be saved.

"Walkers?" My eyes flickered up to him but I didn't say anything,"So we just keep these people here forever? How are they my responsibility?"

I sighed as I placed down the knife I had been using and placed both of my hands flat on the table, my eyes were now focused on him," A new command I give to you: Love one another as I have loved you. That's what you told me right? " His eyes flickered across my face before settling down at my hands that had turned into fists. "I was mad about mom, mad about you marrying Annette, I was 14 years old and I was awful to you more than anybody. All I wanted to do was smoke and shoplift." I smiled sadly at the memory as I looked up to meet his eyes,"Love on another, that's what you told me."

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