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In the darkest of minds,
Full of what was innocence and interesting finds,
Grows to be a place of violence,
To both a person and the people,
Things that can be done are unbelievable;

Building walls to high even for us to look over,
There's no bridges to be seen for us to come together;

Here we came up with a solution,
And we call it a 'revolution',
When every time it turns to destruction,
A horror to publication,
It's a race for propaganda;

Hatred is the word,
And peace and love were the never heard of chord,
They have forgotten who we were before,
We're now blood thirsty animals,
The rulers of all,
Willing to let others take the fall,
All over our wants,
It's our inner demons that taunts,
Yesterday is no longer,
It's all about the future and it's power;

This my friends is what we call war,
It can come from anywhere near and far,
It can be hurtful,
Meaning physical,
Or mental,
One that can affect a single person,
Or a group of more than one;

This is war,
It's never pretty,
It can be really scary,
And horrible,
And questionable,
To the human mind,
 come to find;

This is war;

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