What's Wrong With Me?

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Tonight, I stand before the mirror,
Waring black laced underwear,
A tight sports bra,
My face lights up in horror,
As I take notes on every flaw;

My eyes are dull,
I don't stand tall,
My skin stays a pale tan,
I stare down a my damaged hands,
Ones that I use to harm my arms,
Without any charms;

My hair is cut short,
There's nothing about it that makes me happy,
Some words I get about it, hurt,
Looking at myself, I can't help my feel crappy;

I'm a little too skinny,
I'm told I want to make others gag,
I rather be called a fatty,
Than making myself feel like I want to tie my head in a bag;

In my head, I think no one will like me,
I never thought like this before,
They think they're is something wrong with me,
My friends think there's something wrong with me,
I think there's something wrong with me;

What's wrong with me?

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