Chapter Twenty-Six

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London, England
6:36 p.m.

Enzo Huxley stared at Jonathon as the word escaped his lips. Enzo eyes glazed over, his breathing heavy. He closed his eyes, calming his breaths. A movement made his eyes snow open, Jonathan lounging on his couch, munching on an apple.

"You killed Eden?" He asked, his voice calm. Jonathan looked up, his eye unreadable.

He lifted his shoulder, his eye lids lowering. "She knew too much, Hux."

Enzo clenched his jaw, hard. "I loved her!"

Jonathan snorted, sitting up casually. His eyes were dark and angry. "You didnt love her, E. You wanted what you couldn't have."

He bared his teeth at his friend, unexplained anger rolling through him. "Be careful, Jon."

Jonathan rolled his eyes, standing up, grabbing his shoulders. They made eye contact, his blue-green eyes staring into his brown eyes. "She would've turned you in to the police, Hux. I did what was best."

Enzo sagged, his shoulders slumping. "I know, man. I wish she never figured it out." He let out a sigh, his chest aching. He walked away from his friend and into his room, taking a baggie out from underneath. "Before I forget, here's this."

Jonathan had a full blown smile on his face as he gave Enzo the money. He slipped the baggie in his inside jacket pocket. Jonathan laid on the sofa, his feet dangling off the edge. Enzo smiled and sat down on the recliner. He clicked on the TV, settling on the news. A police man and a reporter argued as the screen came into focus. They stood in front of Eden's house.

A frown took the reporter's lips as she listened to the police officer again, before swinging to face the camera fully. Her eyes held a bright rage and quiet sorrow. "This coming in, another suicide. Eden Tatum was found dead in her bathtub, looking as if she had drowned herself."

The police man cut everyone off as the camera focused on a stretcher carrying a body out of the house. The reporter gasped and turned the camera off. Enzo watched the blank screen, having no idea what to think.

"How did you kill her, Jonathan?" He asked quietly, his eyes watching the static in a daze. A deep sigh came from his friend. The couch groaned and crinkled as Jonanthan sat forward, his elbows on his knees.

"I suffocated her, Enzo." He said softly. "I put a pillow against her face and killed her."

Enzo nodded, his eyes never leaving the screen. His relaxed his body and his mind, letting go of his memories of the girl named Eden. She knew he was a murderer. It's the best that she died. A few moments later, his eyes drifted to his friend's, he gave a small nod, a dark, wicked grin forming.

"Good. She needed to be gone." Was his reply.

Jonathan smirked, clapping his friend on the back. "That's what I wanted to hear."


Tyler Addams stood in front of his house, the wooden deck soggy with water. His grey eyes darkened in misery as he watched his house waste away even further. A blue light flashed in the window, letting him know his father was watching the TV screen. Tyler sighed, turning away and heading back to the main road.

The past few days he was with Hayden, having a much needed talk about the things they've never said, but something was always off about him that Tyler couldn't place. He was almost scared that Hayden would disappear on him, just after they finally gotten closer.

He stopped by a tree, the rough bark digging into his jacket as he leaned against it. The news of Eden's death fell through the roof, parents and teachers freaking out. They dont know of school should be closed for an entire month or just this week. Tyler managed to talk to his teachers, letting him know nothing is solid yet. He watched the news with his parents, late last night. He saw Eden's body in a black body bag, before the screen cut out.

Tyler shook his head, clearing all thoughts. A rustle of movement made him turn his body slightly. A tall black figure stood before him. He sucked in a deep breath as he realized who he was standing in front of.

Enzo Huxley gave him a cruel, delighted smirk. "Well, well, well," he drawled, his brown eyes drinking in Tyler. "Arent you a little ways from home?"

Tyler swallowed, his confidence growing a bit. "Why is everyone in your group dying?"

Enzo bared his teeth in a snarl. "That's none of your business."

He flinched at the harshness. "Why does it have to do with Hayden?"

The boy before him cocked his head to the side, he smiled. "You dont know?"

Tykes shook his head. "I know nothing."

Enzo smirked, leaving forward, his breath hitting his face. "Good luck with that. Hayden isnt who he seems."

Tyler sucked in a breath as hands grabbed for him. Jonathan let out a snort, his hands around Tyler's throat. He stared wide eyed at his captor, waiting for anything.

Jonathan leaned close, his teeth snapping. His eyes were dark, so dark or almost looked black. "We have a favor to ask."

Enzo started forward, his hands holding a small knife. The male bucked, trying to squirm out of Jonathan's grip. He gripped tighter, making Tyler lose breath, his eyes blurring.

"We need you to talk to Hayden for us." Jonathan laughed, his voice deep and vicious.

"We need you to tell him, we need to talk." Enzo cackled, his face disorienting. Tyler choked as Jonathan squeezed a little tighter before releasing. Tyler spluttered, sinking to the ground, coughing as air made it's way through his body. Enzo kicked him, making him roll onto his side. Both of the males leaned down next to him, their eyes glinting.

"Bring us Hayden, Tyler." They both spoke in unison. "Then run."

Jonathan turned and sunk into the shadows, while Enzo just started walking again, whistling.

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