Chapter Eighteen

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London, England
3:45 a.m.

Enzo Huxley taps his fingers on the glass counter, impatience warring through him. The early morning air tickled his skin, the cool air brushing his hair back. The guy behind the counter shot him a glared before slipping tbe package to Enzo. He nodded and slapped down the bundle of money onto the counter. He left, slipping out of the abandoned warehouse. The sky was streaked with a dark blue and black, dotted with white specks.

Enzo made his wat through town, the package hidden in his coat. Anxiety coursed through him, sparking his nerves. A low laugh came from behind him. He ducked reflexively, though the laugh came from a house. The door opened and let out a man, removing his hand from the ladies grip. He flashed her a sultry smile, and her cheeks flushing red. Enzo sucked in sharply, as he recognized the woman. Mrs. Cooley drew her hand back, letting it fall to her side. He ducked in the shadows of a few trees, watching as the man got into his car, slowly pulling out of the driveway. Disgust weaved through him, as he realized Mrs. Cooley was still married.

He shook his head as the door slammed shut, continuing his way home. He turned on his phone, a few messages from Danielle and Eden lit up his phone. Eden is curious if Danielle has any clue. Danielle is wondering why he isnt answering. He sighed and sent a message to Danielle, letting her know he was safe and at home. He messaged Eden to open her window like the night before. They needed to talk.

He continued his walk to her house, the cool wind ruffling his hair. Eden's house came into view, her mansion towering above him. A light was on on the second floor, letting him know that she was awake. He sighed, making his way to the door. He knocked lightly and harder. The door cracked open, Eden's face coming into view, resemblance from that night three years ago.

"Come in." Her voice soft, her eye rimmed red, indicating she was crying. Concern shot through him as he took her in. Dark shadows were crescent moons under eyes. He stepped through the threshold, her eyes never leaving his. His arms made their way around her shoulder, her frame racking with sobs. "What do you want to talk about?" Her voice was muffled from being pressed against Enzo.

"Danielle." He breathed. Eden's eyes darkened in annoyance. She moved from his arms, letting his arms fall to his side. His dark brown eyes watched her as she closed the front door, her whole body tensed.

Her blue-grey eyes met his as she turned away from the door. "What about her?"

He sat down in a red armchair, his hands knotted in front of him. Eden took a seat in the couch across from him, her eyes wary and hurt. They were brighter and held a dark contempt. "I think she suspects something between us."

Eden sucked in a sharp breath, her gaze hardened. "Then why are you here?"

He shook his head. "We need to discuss this. To see if it's time to come clean." He paused, his brown eyes searching her blue-eye ones. "God, I love you, Eden. Danielle and me met before that night three years ago."

Anger curled in the depths. "And for three years, I've been a secret. I hate this, Enzo. I don't want to lose Danielle. That's why I stopped this almost a year ago."

He sucked in a breath, to calm his nerves. Rage coiled in him, making him want to hit things. "Do you still love me?" His voice a whisper. Eden looked away, guilt blooming.

"I dont know."

Air hissed passed through his teeth. Hurt curled in his heart, a face floating above him. Danielle smiled at him, the first time they meet. Eden ducking her face to avoid looking at him. "I have to go." He said aburtably, standing straight, his hands in fists by his side. Rage seethed through his veins. Eden stayed silent as he opened the door and slammed it shut behind him.

Blinded by his anger, he didnt realize he was making his way to Danielle's house. The clock on his phone read 4:38 a.m.. A bitter taste choked bos throat. He swallowed and knocked on her door, knowing her parents have yet came back from out of state. Rhe knock echoed through the mostly empty house. His hand closed around the package in his coat, the weight of it gave him clarity.

A sleepy Danielle opened the door, her hand rubbing her eyes. Anger sparked in the depth of those emerald eyes as they catch him, but disappeared. He brushed it off as he imagined it, he slowly made his way past Danielle, her hair cascading down her back. She shut the door behind him, her back straight and tensed. Enzo frowned at the back of her head, wondering if she was still mad at him for not answering back.

She turned around, her lips thinned in anger. "Where were you?"

Enzo stretched, exhaustion warring through him. "At home. I told you."

Danielle shook her head, her hair whipping everywhere. "Do not lie to me, Enzo."

He raised to his feet, his face confused. "I fell asleep on you. I'm sorry."

Danielle stood there, arms crossed over her chest. "Hayden stopped by to let me know you weren't home."

Incredulous, he stared at her. "You talk to Hayden?" His voice sounded accusing.

Her eyes were a blazing green from anger that churned inside her. "No. He comes over at random times to tell me stuff I guess I never knew about you." She snarled at him, her fists clenched.

Enzo swallowed, anger pulsing through his veins, a red mist veiling his eyes. "I wouldn't hurt you."

She laughed humerlessly. "So you aren't fucking my best friend?"

He whipped his hand out, connecting to her cheeks. She let out a surprised and painful gasp. Anger boiled in him, the same anger he held that night. He yanked her to him, the package jumping to his hand. He opened it and a pull a metal gun from the package. The black metal gleamed, glinting cruelly in the dim room. Danielle cried out in fright and tried to break free, biting down on his hand.  He yelped, the red mist clouded his vision as she broke free and ran for the door.  He aimed for her, her pink tank top almost disappeared behind the door.


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