Chapter Twenty- Four

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London, England
7:56 a.m.

School was unusually quiet, the news of Danielle hit fast and hit home
Teachers were constantly in meetings that the school just sent everyone home. Eden Tatum sighed as she continued her way home, her heart heavy. Enzo and Jonathan were just behind her, laughing like nothing mattered. She gave a small snort, her disgust plain on her face as she realized Enzo wasn't the least bit upset about his girlfriend's death. Jonathan held a sort of cruel humor about it, her fear of him clear. He barely knew what to do with Hayden, she didnt think he'd care about her death. One less person to know the truth. She involuntarily shivered, her grey-blue eyes watching the road in front of her as she crossed the path to her house.

Enzo and Jonathan continued on as she stepped past the doorway, a sharp pain going through her back. She turned around, watching the two boys as the disappeared behind a building. A friend tugged at her lips, making her wonder if she had missed something.

Shrugging, she slipped out of her jacket and slid a long sleeved shirt on, her phone vibrating with a new message. She picked it up, her phone lighting up. She bit back a gasp of surprise and unease. Enzo and Danielle were hugging, but the photo consists of Eden in the picture as well. He was always smiling at her, his arms around Danielle, but his attention was on her. Drawing in a breath, she clicked contact, but it flashed unknown.

Eden hastily put the phone on the counter, backing up into a wall. Her hands were shaking as she slid to the ground, her legs beneath her. She started to remember things, bad things. She shook her head and stood up, her stomach clenching. A knock on the door startled her so much she gave a little cry.

Flushing red, she opened the door to face a police officer, the same one who came to tell her the news of her best friend. His eyes were a dark blue, concern fluttering in their depths as they looked at her.

"We came to ask you a few questions." He said softly.

Eden sucked in a breath, before giving a small nod. She let him pass her, his body tensed and wrung. She closed the door with a snap, focusing her attention on the ground. The police sat in the couch, his face serious.

"We got information that you entered Danielle's house as they were taking evidence." He mustered to say.

Eden grimaced, knowing she wasn't fast enough to escape the public eye. "I'm sorry. I just couldn't believe my best friend was dead."

"What did you take?" He asked, his dark eyes sympathetic.

"Nothing." She lied, her heart racing in her chest. "I swear. I only wanted to see her room again."

The policeman stared at her, analyzing her words. Finally, he nodded. "Alright. I understand that. One more question."

Eden gave a sigh of relief, her breath leaving her. "Anything."

"Rumors are that Enzo snuck in her house late that night, do you think that is true?"

She held her breath, the memories vivid in her mind of him leaving suddenly. The hard lump in his jacket came to mind, she struggled for breaths. Her mind started racing, trying to figure out what to do.

She shook her head, her eyes dark. "No. He, uh, was actually here with me that night."

Her face flushed crimson when the policeman shot her a look. A judgmental look. "Alright," he said slowly, standing up on his feet. "I think it's best I leave."

Eden nodded, her body not moving. Noticing she wasn't going to show him out, he opened the door and clicks it shut softly. She steadied her breathing, counting to ten before racing to her bedroom. The red notebook laid on her bed, with notes scattered around it. She gathered them all, throwing them in the trash. She opened the book, reading the sections about Enzo.

Enzo hates guns. Enzo and her fought, ten times throughout the last year and half, up the point of Hayden making an appearance. Her breath left her in a whoosh.

With her sole focus on trying to tie Dnaielles murder to Hayden, she skipped over a few details. How he was somewhat physical to her within the last few months, how his attention seem to gravitate to Eden. Danielle noticed everything.

Eden sat back on her bed with a sigh, her heart cracking in two. It couldn't be what she figured out. It would mean danger to everyone around her, including Hayden. A sob broke out of her, her voice cracking. Tears rolled down her face as she grabbed her phone, sending a message to Jonathan.

She curled up on her bed, her eyes closing. Memories faded in and out as she tried to focus on them. The unexplained anger towards Hayden, the unreasonable hatred. The completely cruel way she dumped him, saying she didnt care.

Eden sobbed, her chest growing tight. She clutched a pillow to her chest, depression hitting her. She saw Danielle in her minds eyes, her long auburn hair and her playful emerald eyes. Memories of her childhood with Danielle ransacked her mind, them giggling at her mom as she cooked.

A sudden memory flashed through her mind. A rainy night, thunder rumbling through the sky, lightning lighting up the city. Danielle and Eden roamed the city, laughing and joking around. Eden pushed Danielle a little, right into a male their age. They didnt know him then, but his eyes were a deep brown with dirty blonde hair.

Enzo Huxley caught Danielle awkwardly, her feet tripping over themselves. A fine blush covered her cheeks as they stared into each others eyes. Eden barely caught a glimpse of a gleam like something slimy on his chest. Eden pushed the thought away as she smiled at her best friend.

Eden suddenly yanked herself out of the memory, the last face she was was Enzo's. She shook her head, sitting up.

It was blood, she believed. It was blood on his jacket that night. Eden got off her bed, heading towards he laptop. Accessing her mother's files, she typed in murders in London, five years ago. One popped up, the night Danielle and Enzo met. Gulping  Eden clicked on the link, a list of possible suspects before they closed the case.

She gasped, a horrible sound escaping her.

She was correct.

Enzo murdered Danielle.

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