Chapter Twenty-Two

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London, England
6:48 a.m.

Eden Tatum makes her way across the lawn, toward the house where police and reporters littered it. Danielle's house looked tall and showdoy as the occupants emptied. Determination burned through her as she saw Danielle's stuff being carried away. She slipped passed security, climbing the stairs two at a time, making her way to her best friend's room.

The familiar hallways spun around her as memories attached her mind, her best friend since first grade. Eden sucked in a deep breath, a knot building in her throat. She exhaled, her hands reaching for the handle on the room.

Papers were scattered everywhere, as people moved stuff around. Eden sunk to her knees, going through the loose leaf pieces of paper, trying to gather any information about what happened. Drawings of Enzo were mixed in the mess, haunting her memory of two nights ago, when she told him she didn't know if she still loved him. Eden swiped it away, her side aching as she tried to withhold the tears.

Danielle kept a small journal of things that happened to her on a normal basis. Eden stood up, moving toward her normal spot for the journal, in the nightstand that was still in her room. She yanked it open, pulling books and notebooks out, letting them spill on the ground. Eden knew she was creating so much noise, enough to draw attention. Her frustration exploded when she couldn't find the little book, she kicked the side of the desk, making it turn over and spill.

A red, thing notebook caught her eye, a smile took her lips. "Found you." She  sang under her breath, bending to retrieve the damned book. She started flipping through it, when she heard a crash and footsteps. Panicking, she slipped into small dark closet, jamming it closed right as the other door opened.

"What the hell?" The voice demanded, a male, deep voice. He cursed as his footsteps made it's way through the room. A shadow passed the small incisions in the door of the closet, letting Eden get a tiny glance of the make. Broad shoulders, and loose police uniform. She swallowed her fear and stood still, not making any sudden noises.

He flipped the desk back up, cursing the whole time. He made the room at least a little more presentable, before leaving the room and shutting it.

Eden let out a sigh, before slipping out of the closet, the notebook pressed against her chest. Her heart was beating frantically, as she left the room. She was quiet until she left the mansion, taking off to the side to go unnoticed by the public.

Her breath left in her in huff as she climbed the steps of her house, the emptiness seeping into her. Eden sighed, slowly sitting down, narrowing her eyes at the red notebook in her hands. The edges were worn and rough looking, the red faded at some points on the cover. She flipped it open, the dates going back three years ago, four days before Hayden.

Eden sucked in a shaking breath, her eyes roaming the words on the page. Danielle talked about Enzo and how he was the best boyfriend. She shook head, flipping until she got to the date orf Hayden's disappearance. Her eyes took in the words, every word about that night. Neither her or Logan knew exactly what happened that night. Only the story they told them. They found him dead.

But on that page, held the real reason. Eden had tears rolling down her cheek as she took in Danielle's story, the evidence that could put so many people behind bars. Eden continued reading passed that night, into the years to come. She got to the day Hayden made his appearance, when she saw him before anyone else in the group did. She continued to when Hayden first visited her, warning her about Eden and Enzo. The next few days, Danielle wrote about how to confront Enzo or Eden, her feelings harsh and in a whirlwind. Then came the night Enzo came, and they talked it through and she realized he wouldn't do that to her.

Eden knew the truth, the words in the three years of them together, he was mostly with her. But she knew who this all came back to, the one who made himself known to all of them.

She slowly put the book down, the last page in the journal open, never finished. The night she was murdered, the night she wanted solved.


Enzo whistled as he made his way through town, hunting down the last sight Eden was at. He had passed Danielle's house, amused when he saw it was a zoo of reporters and police. He shook his head and left it behind, continuing his way to Eden. He shrugged his jacket closer as the rain pelted down around him.

Thunder rumbled, light streaking across the dark sky as the wind whipped around him. He clicked open his phone, impatiently wiping away the water as it streaked on his screen. An amber alert beeped on his screen, a weather alert. A flash flood warning that could hypothetically lead to a tornado warning. He groaned and clicked off his phone, the screen going blank as he shoved it back in his pocket. He looked up as a figure walked passed him, their hood up. He caught the face and he grinned, his eyes never leaving the figure.

De ja vu bit at him as he followed the boy, pouting rain and an unexpecting victim. He remembered the kid hanging around Hayden, pulling him away from their group during lunch. His hand flashed out, pushing the figure to the ground. A gasp escaped the kid as he fell in his hand and rolled over.

His dark hair was plastered to his forehead, his grey eyes wide with surprise and pain. Tyler Addams laid on the ground, staring up at Enzo as he smiled ferally at him. He felt a hard lump in his pocket, his hand coming up to grab it when a pale hand snuck out and grabbed his wrist.

Jerking in surprise, Enzo glanced beside him to see Jonathan. He raised an eyebrow.

His friend shook his head. "Not this. You are very close to Danielle's house, no need to drag policeman over this way."

Enzo shot a look around, seeing familiar surroundings. He snatched his hands back, snarling at Joanthan. He turned back to Tyler, to realize he already left.

"Tyler is a big part of Hayden's fall." He stated, matching his friend's expression. "We go after him next."

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