Chapter Nine

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London, England
7:00 p.m.

Hayden settled at a picnic table, in the nearest park closest to his tiny home. Hollow Wood Park. The playground equipment look rusted and used, sand untouched, but soggy. Tonight was still misty and rainy. Hayden wondered to himself if the playground was ever used. Tyler was supposed to meet him here, but Hayden didn't think he'd be right on time.

Although with the new rumors going around, I wouldn't be surprised to why you did it.

Addison's words floated to mind, and Hayden leaned back on the bench, anger curling in his chest. The way she had looked at Tyler made him want to flee. She knew, just like the others. Hayden stood, his back tensing. A branch snapped behind him, making him whip his head around. Tyler was walking toward him, his hands in his pockets. Hayden's emotions raged. Tyler had improved since the day Blake has beaten him. His hair was more silky and shiny. His eyes more bright, his skin less pale. He wore an oversized grey sweat shirt and jeans. His eyes met mine and a smile came to his face, brightening up the rest of him. Hayden looked down suddenly, not knowing where to look.

"Hayden, why are there rumors about you?" Tyler asked, suddenly.

Hayden shrugged, his gut twisting. "People are jealous or stupid, sometimes both."

Hayden looked up to catch Tyler's face. He looked doubtful, and Hayden silently agreed. He sat down in the bench and Tyler came around the bench. He sat close enough that Hayden felt the warmth coming from him.

"Tyler, when did you move here?" Hayden asked, looking around the empty playground, shadows dancing on the ground.

"Sophomore year, I believe." He replied, drumming his fingers on the metal bench. Hayden felt the thrum through his legs.

"I left after Freshman year due to complications." Hayden stated, his head pounding due to effort of pushing the darkest things that happened to him to the back of his mind.

Tyler turned his head to him and his grey eyes met Hayden's blue ones. "What happened? I thought you were sent to a military school?"

Hayden nodded, his eyes strayed to the playground equipment. "I was. In a way." But Hayden knew that's all he would say about it, because he couldn't get closer to Tyler or have Tyler become come closer to him.

"In a way?" He questioned, his brown eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

Hayden sighed, turning his attention back to the boy next to him. Ignoring all rationality, the next words to come out of his mouth would label him. "Tyler, we can't be friends. At all. Soon, maybe in time, you'll come to realize why."

Tyler grew silent. His grey eyes, so silver, so bright, were stunned. His mouth was slightly parted and his face held betrayal. "Why?" His voice was quiet.

Hayden let out a humorless laugh, his gut churning unpleasantly as the harsh words flowed out. "I only helped you out in charity."

His face fell. "Charity?" He weakly repeated.

Hayden nodded, feeling his face grow emotionless, as a new feeling roared within him. "This is goodbye, Tyler. I'll keep Addison away. You'll have a better senior year."

Tyler jumped up as if Hayden shocked him. His face was tight with disbelief. "I don't want your charity, Hayden."

Hayden gave him a grim smile, feeling the wind inside his mind letting him know he has a call from Death himself. "If I don't, Addison won't stop until you give in to the temptation."

Disgust weaved into Tyler's face. "What temptation?"


Tyler stumbled back, shock registering on his face. The force within Hayden's head became forceful. "Goodbye."

"I can't believe you just wanted to do charity, Hayden Foster." Tyler snarled, tears sliding down his red cheeks. His handsome eyes glittered with hurt. Then he walked away, tree branches and leaves crunching under his feet.

Hayden watched him go, his face slowly becoming undone. When he knew he was no longer in ear shot, he whispered a few words.

"You weren't a charity case, Tyler. I just couldn't have you close."

Hayden finally opened up his mind to Death. His whole body became cold with Death's presence. His head pounded hard and then it slithered away. He heard the dark voice, loud and clear. Death appeared to him, his rode never touching the ground. Death stood with his arms crossed.

"What did you do, boy?" Death asked his voice cold and warm all at once.

Hayden shrugged inwardly. "I needed to get rid of the distractions if my plan is to be put in process."

Death nodded. "That is true. Byy Hayden, is your heart okay?"

Hayden looked indifferent, to be sure not to give anything away. "Why wouldn't it be?"

Death stared at him closely, his blood red eyes turning bright. He sighed as if disappointed. "I'll take your word for it."

Hayden looked away, back to the playground where no kids played. Emptiness settled within him and he knew it was on himself.

Death put a hand on his shoulder. "Hayden Foster. You became Karma to get your revenge on those who brung hell on you and kids like that boy."

Hayden crossed his arms over his chest, and felt the ridged muscle below. He had worked hard for this opportunity and he knew this was his one shot. Blake got his karma. Addison is close to getting hers and soon the five of them will get theirs, but first, he has one more person on his list he has yet seen.

A laugh drived Death to sink transparent and Hayden to look around. A boy with a teenage girl caught his attention. But it wasn't just a guy. It was the fifth one to complete the group. He was different from the others, more cruel. More personal. He slung his arm over the girls delicate shoulders, but his eyes were cold and calculating. He was playing the poor girl. He wasn't interested in her or any other female, but no one knew that. Hayden did, though. It was what drove him to be how he was towards Hayden.

The boy looked up as if sensing Hayden's eyes locked on them. His blue-green eyes caught Hayden's bright blues ones that never changed. Jonathon Grayson shot him a warm smile before it melted into an icy stare.

Five. Hayden thought as he watched the girl walk away, tears pouring down her cheeks. Jonathan watched him, humor etched into his face. He smirked then walked away.

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