Chapter Six

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London, England
5:58 p.m.

Hayden walked home, the last hours buzzing in his mind. He kept hearing Tyler's voice of pure hatred as he spoke her name, like it was a curse. His dark stormy eyes rolled like thunderclouds and Hayden could see part of his own soul within those eyes. Hayden walked around London for two hours after school ended, to think of his first day events. He made two names appear on his list, Addison and Blake. Hayden stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans and sighed, hanging his head.

Hayden knew he shouldn't protect Tyler, there are other kids in that school that get bullied as well. Hayden wasn't sure what it was that Tyler was getting bullied for. He was on the handsome side, but scrawny. He didn't wear worn down clothes, his were in good shape. Hayden groaned, stopping in the middle of the road. He stopped in front of his house, he realized in surprise. The lawn was high, bugs flying about. Hayden shook his head and went inside to set his stuff down by the front door.

He took off his shirt and grabbed a pair of his father's old jeans, that fit. Hayden went to the small garage where their old lawn mower sat by the door. There was a lot of old stuff in the shed that his family has thrown in there over the years. He grabbed the mower and placed it in the yard. The sky was a dark blue, with a few dark clouds dotting the skies. Birds chripped and sang, while he started up the mower.

As he worked, his mind ran over a few things. He saw three of the group that bullied him. He hasnt seem the other two yet, but the three he saw kept making his chest tighten with anger.

Hayden shoved the mower savagely that showed his anger. He inwardly rolled his eyes. After three years, they still get to me. He thought. They did him wrong and left him for dead, Hayden barely survived. About an hour later, he finished the lawn and lowered himself on the porch, his body racing with adrenaline. Anger had coiled around his heart, making it pound.

Tyler was an interesting person to Hayden, like a puzzle he couldn't figure out. His acted like the bullying didn't bother him, but he shied away from standing up for himself. Hayden didn't judge, because that's what he did when he was bullied. Tyler is a senior this year. Hayden couldn't remember seeing a senior being bullied.

Hayden got off the porch, his back tense. He went inside and laid down on his bed, staring at the white ceiling. He knew he wasn't falling asleep anytime soon, with his mind racing, but Hayden didn't mind. He slipped off the bed and knelt in the middle of his room. He murmured in the demon language, hoping he wouldn't be ignored.

The air in front of him shimmered, a face taking shape. Big brown eyes with a fire roaring in their depths, surprise making the fire glitter. Full red lipped smile grazed her mouth. A pale oval face came into view. Black as night hair curled along her temple. The air next to her shimmered and another face took shape. Bright green eyes with the same roaring fire in the depths stared at him. Pale pink lips grinned at him, showing white teeth. Pale white hair hung in strands around the inhuman face. Hayden let out a breath, relieved he wasn't ignored.

The woman with the brown eyes smiled, the familiar smile bit at him. The cruelty and hunger devoured the flame and surprise. Her red lips parted and her teeth gleamed.

"Hayden," her voice came out in a hiss, a snake hiss. A chill flowed down his spine.

"Mrs. Helim," he responded, keeping his voice pitched low. The man's bright green eyes glowed and a flicker of a smirk captured his face. He looked proud and the fire within his eyes grew until it consumed his eyes to a burning red. Hayden's lip twitched. "Mr. Dark," he greeted.

Mr. Dark shimmered and inclined jis head. "Hayden Foster, what made you call on me and Mrs. Helim?"

Hayden rose, his back tense as the room grew colder, cold enough to see his breath a mist in the air. "I'm confused as this situation grows. As you taught in my lessons, that I will know how to punish each of these students, but all I have felt was new names making the list."

Mrs. Helim's red lips thinned and her brown eyes flared a dark red. "You got to rely on your new instincts. Mr. Grin taught you all the physical business, but I taught you all the mental." She caught his eyes and concentrated, her eyes forming a circle of frozen fire. "You know what to do, not all of them are bad punishments, Hayden."

Mr. Dark nodded in agreement, his tangle of white hair floated in and out of view. "I taught you the curses. You know after this mission, you have others. One day, you won't care about what you have to do."

Panic flared in his chest. Hayden glared at the ground. He knew what needed to be done, but he had hoped he could've forgotten some of the punishments. Mrs. Helim was correct though, they weren't bad, but they were life wrecking.

"You're right. I do know what to do, tell Death he can depend on me." Hayden spoke, his voice tight with uncontrolled emotion. Memories of the torment and betrayal flooded his mind, playing like a movie. The faces flooded by in a rush, only five, the first five on his list. The students who tortured him. Hayden closed his eyes and broke the connection with Mrs. Helim and Mr. Dark before opening his eyes again. The curses twisted his tounge and caressed his vocal cords.

Hayden stalked to his desk, tearing open a draw, pulling pieces of paper from a blank notebook he had just gotten from the store. He wrote down the names of the list,  in order. He taped it to a wall, using a marker to check mark the ones he has seen, their faces imprinted in his mind.

He took a step back, grinning like a fool, a dark fool. His plans mapped put in front of him, using the faces he had seen today. He put the marker down and laid in his bed, thinking about tomorrow.

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