Chapter Five

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London, England
2:37 p.m.

Class was normal. Hayden didn't know how he knew much of what he said, which was mostly correct, since he's been training for three years. He hasn't seen the dark haired boy or the red headed girl in most of his classes. His teachers gawked at him, when he handed them his name slip. He had shrugged it off, hating the slightly weird attention. Girls kept glancing at him so he smirked at them.

It was the free period Principal Carmine told him about and he made his way to the library, which was located by the cafeteria, that bustled with activity. As Hayden walked by, he caught a glimpse of red hair, that swung around in dark red strands. He narrowed his blue eyes as he caught sight of her again, talking to another girl. His eyes zoned in on the other girl, feeling his breath go uneven. Blonde hair caught the light in bright golden curls.  Her eyes, the brightest shade of grey-blue, caught his and her's widen, surprise blooming within. Her lips parted and shaped his name. The girl before her whipped her head around, her eyes finding his. Pain was in their depths, making the green more pronounced. Hayden shook his head and continued walking to the library, his whole body twitching.

Three. He thought, entering the library. Not many kids were walking around, so he took a computer closest to the door. The librarian was putting books on shelves and two other students were at tables, reading. He frowned at the computer, not exactly knowing what to look for. Hayden glanced up as he heard footsteps approach him. The small, scrawny boy who got beaten, stood in front of him, looking conflicted. The boy was about five foot four, with brown hair that hung in limp strands against his forehead. His eyes were a dark grey that looked stormy. A dark bruise covered half his face, his cheek swollen. Hayden wondered why he didn't get sent home.

"Are you Hayden Foster?" he asked, his voice soft. Hayden raised a dark eyebrow. "Miss Collins said you bought me to the infirmary and a few kids ago saw what happened, said you tried to stop Blake."

Hayden nodded, his chest tightening with rage. "Yes, I did, but that boy doesn't listen well."

The boy in front of him laughed, a sort of humorless laugh. "Yeah, he doesn't." He stepped closer to Hayden, holding out a hand. "My name is Tyler Addams."

Hayden shook his hand, feeling a small twinge of protection of this kid. Tyler looked like a kid who needed help, looked like Hayden, his freshman year. Tyler smiled. He cleared his throat. "Nice to meet you, Tyler," he spoke.

Tyler nodded at the computer, which buzzed with electricity. "What are you looking up?"

Hayden smiled thinly. "Honestly, I don't know." He scratched the back of his neck, feeling sheepish. "In the academy, Xander Hills, we didn't have computers or internet. And I need to look something up this period."

Tyler shrugged. "I could give you some help."

"That would be great."

Hayden knew the danger of befriending kids at this school, who might be part of that group, but Tyler was a victim of what he went through, maybe even worse, looking at the bruise on his face. Hayden flashed back to what happened to him, the murmur of voices, the girlish laugh that sent chills down his spine.

Tyler scooted a chair toward the computer, his gaze intent and focused. Hayden knew he shouldn't trust anyone, even a bullied student. Hayden couldn't help but want to protect Tyler, being so reminded of himself.

Hayden paid close attention to what Tyler was doing. As the period drew on, Tyler explained how to use basic computer knowledge. He pointed at the screen and showed him how to work the internet. Hayden listened well and knew he wouldn't need Tyler anymore at the end of the period.

Tyler removed his hands and let Hayden try it first hand. His hands ran over the keypad, the mouse going back and forth. He knew he couldn't do his research in front of Tyler, his whole body tense. He was extremely aware of Tyler's presence, the sheer intense gaze of his grey eyes.

The bell rung, forcing Hayden's attention off the computer. A smug smile lifted the corners of his mouth at Tyler's puzzled expression. "But I thought you said you didn't have much access to the computer."

Hayden rolled his blue eyes, knowing he couldn't tell him the truth. "I didn't, but I am a fast learner, Tyler."

Tyler narrowed his dark, stromy eyes and got up. Hayden followed, his back still tensed. He looked at his schedule, and frowned. He had this teacher his freshman year, the same English teacher. He inwardly rolled his eyes, another reaction.

Tyler saw his frown and bumped his shoulder gently. Hayden felt a spark of shock run through him. He hasn't had a person so willing to touch him like a friend. "Are you okay?" he asked.

He faked a smile. "Yeah, just my next class."

Tyler glanced at the piece of paper and nodded. "We have that class together. Don't worry, Mrs. Julia is a good teacher, a little emotional, but very caring."

I know. Hayden wanted to say, his throat tightening. Instead, he said, "That's good."

Tyler walked with him to class, keeping his dark grey eyes on the tiled floor as they entered the classroom. Whispers exploded and a high pitched giggle pierced through all the commotion. A dark skinned girl sat with her feet in the seat in front of her, a small smile hung on her lips. Her eyes were a dark brown, glittering with a cruel glint as they focused on Tyler and Hayden.

Tyler made an odd sound and walked to the back. He sat in a brown, chipped desk, sliding down in it. Hayden saw the brown skinned girl give Hayden a sickly sweet smile before getting up, and striding to Tyler. She lowered her mouth to Tyler's ear, saying a few words to him. He paled and his lips thinned in anger. Hayden felt a whirl wind of power surge through his veins, letting him know another name was added to his list. He grinned, a dark, twisted grin. The girl turned and smirked, her eyes shone with triumph. She went to her seat and sent a wink in Hayden's direction. A shudder went through him. There was two empty seats next to Tyler and Hayden went to one. He sat down and leaned back, stretching his legs out, crossing his ankles. The girl practically snarled in his direction, the other girls surrounding her whispered and glanced back at him.  Hayden just grinned and looked passed them.

"Why did you sit back here?" his voice was quiet, almost a whisper.

Hayden rolled his eyes. "I wanted to." He caught the girl's stare head on. "Who is that girl?"

Tyler was silent, his stare on the desk in front of him, his left forefinger absently tracing a silly drawing on the surface. He was silent for so long, Hayden didn't think he would answer. "Her name is Addison. She's Blake's girlfriend."

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