Chapter Twenty

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London, England
7:58 a.m.

A police man stood in the doorway of her house, pity and sympathy etched across his face. Eden Tatum withdrew her hand away from the door, putting it against her chest as the news settled in. Silence stayed within her as the police told her the account of Danielle, the way she had died. She remembered the hard lump in the pocket of the jacket Enzo was wearing last night. She brushed it aside, pain darting through her body. She bit her bottom lip as the police man continued to speak, giving her hotlines and therapists to speak to if she needed anything.

Eden nodded and gave a tiny smile, before closing the door. She turned to walk away, before her knees gave out, her will to not cry abandoning her. She sobbed, her heart broken and shattered in her chest. Her best friend, dead and murdered. She couldn't fathom why Danielle would be the one to go first out of them two. Eden belonged in hell, that was clear from her helping Enzo with cheating. She swallowed back more sobs as a shudder racked her body. She couldn't move, not a single inch as another spasm took her, tears rolling down her cheeks. She curled intona ball on the floor, tears of guilt and self hate puddled around her.


Jonathan Greyson stared at himself in the mirror, unease attacking his mind. He closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh, calming his heart. He gave a grin and opened his eyes, the feral sight made him happy with a cruel delight. He took the knife on the counter, sliding it into his jeans. A knock on his door made him turn to the front door. Unconsciously, he frowned. He felt the weight of the knife in his side before making his way to the door. He peeked through the eye hole, flinching back as he recognized the male on the other side. He yanked the door opened, staring at the ruffled and muddied boy.

Enzo gave him a tired smile, blood staining his jacket and jeans. Jonathan gave it a glazed look as he opened the door to let the other boy in. Enzo slipped passed him, letting the door fall shut. The older boy gave him an odd look as he sat down on the couch. The abandoned house had dust on the floor and pictures, the frames smashed. Glass littered the floor, making it look like glittery rain. Jonathan let out a sigh and sat next to Enzo.

"What's with the blood?" His voice came out loud, echoing the house. Enzo shot him a dark look, a shutter falling closed on his emotions.

"Do not ask." Was his reply. Jonathan raised an eyebrow, confusion and anger warring through him.

"Did you, at least, bring the supply?" He inquired.

Enzo slipped his hand in the pocket inside his jacket. A smooth brown package fell out of his hand, hitting the couch with a thud, a cloud of dust coming up. Jonathan snagged it and handed Enzo the money, the package hard packed.

"My boss wants another one next Friday." Murmured Jonathan, his voice light with excitement. Enzo nodded distractedly.

"I killed Danielle, Jon." Enzo said abruptly, his voice low and in anguish. Jon raised an eyebrow at his friend, surprise flickering in his eyes.

"What the fuck, Hux?"

Enzo shrugged, moving off the couch and started pacing the ground. "She fucking found out about Eden. Hayden Foster paid her a visit." He tensed next to his friend, the name curling anger into his chest. His hands clenched into fists as Enzo met his eyes, ceasing his pacing. "Danielle started talking and talking, I think she was at the point of going to the cops on us."

Jonathan snickered. "I have a feeling I would've been safe, considering in her eyes, I didnt have a clue."

Enzo narrowed his brown eyes at him. "So you'd want me to lie?"

He nodded. "Well, yes. If you really wasted my boss to end your life after you're thrown into jail. Yes, I would've wanted you to lie."

Enzo snorts, his eyes blazing in anger. "Then who would I say I was selling drugs to, Jon?"

Jon smiled innocently, his mind working for an answer. His smile turned cruel and dark as an idea hit him. "What about Hayden?"

Enzo chortled. "The kid is like a ghost, Jon. No one will believe a kid that disappeared, and just reappeared would do that."

Jonathan let that sink it, realizing he was correct and growled lowly. "God dammit." He swore.

Enzo shrugged, taking the package from Jon, his hand grabbing for the lighter and utensil. "We don't even have to worry about it. Danielle is dead, remember?"

Jon snorted the powder on the surface of the old coffee table. "I wont for a while because I'm hiding her murderer." Enzo snorted after him, quickly lighting up a cigarette, huffing a cloud of smoke.

"I don't even feel remorse, Jon. It's like before." Enzo muttered, his eyes glazed as the effects hit him. Jonathan sighed, disappointed hitting hin. None of the drugs even affect him anymore.

"Nothing is like the first time, Hux." Jonathan murmured, his eyes tracing his friend's face, the brown eyes and the dirty blonde hair. His chiseled face, peacefulness settled over Enzo, like a little curtain as he relaxed under the effects. Jon glanced away, to hide his expression from his friends. The feelings he suppressed came to the surface, Jon took in a ragged breath. Enzo murmured something too low for him to catch, so  he stood up, keeping his movements quiet. He closed his eyes and whispered in his head, telling the voices he heard to get their master. A sigh of pleasure escaped his lips as he passed the threshold of his room, the cold air nipping at his skin.

His eyes opened, bleeding to black. "You called?"


Eden gasped as a shudder of pain rolled through her, hunger attacking her senses. Her mouth was dry and tears were crusted on her cheeks. She sat up, the morning sky was dark with rain clouds, thunder cloud rumbling.

She stood up, her eyes lighting up with the flash of the lightning. A sign burned in her mind, her eyes burning with hatred. She didn't have a clue who would kill Danielle like the way she died. But somehow death was after the group that attacked Hayden Foster.

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