Chapter Fourteen

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London, England
1:23 p.m.

Hayden sat up fast in his bed, his heart hamming in his chest. A pleasant sensation flooded his body. A soft hiss filled his head, his eyes clouded. He smirked, another on the list got their karma.


Enzo Huxley leaned against the cold metal of the locker, his eyes roaming the hallways. He stuck his hands in his pockets, his fingers twitching anxiously. The message from Eden sparked his nerves and anger rolled through his veins. That night was in the past and he doesn't understand why Hayden has to bring it up or how he even knows.

You died that night, Enzo thought in his head venomnessly. How could you possibly know?

Eden walked toward her locker, lost in thought. Enzo watched her, his eyes memorizing the little details he saw that night as he got drunk on the adrenaline. The little dimple on her right cheek, each day it disappears even more. The sparkle in her eyes that she gets when she starts talking about something she found fascinating. He stared at her from his locker, watching as she frowned down at her phone, wrinkles showing on her forehead.

A cough made him look away from Eden, meeting the eyes of Danielle, his girlfriend. Her emerald eyes were wary, almost shone with uncertainty. "What was that about?"

He tilted his head as if to dodge the question. He shrugged. "I was looking for you, but Eden showed up and she looked worried."

Danielle frowned at him, her face darkening. "Yeah, okay." She proceeded to open her locker and switch her book bag for a folder for her class. She slammed the door shut, the metal clanging. Enzo flinched from the sudden violence. Danielle caught it and looked away, her cheeks staining pink. "I'll see you after class."

Enzo watched her walk away, confusion pulsing through him. Eden was looking at him, concern and disdain chasing around on her face. He huffed out a breath, letting her walk away before heading to Eden. He leaned against the locker next to her's, his expression tight and exhausted.

Eden caught his eyes and frowned, the lines on her forehead deepening. "You stood me up at the cafe."

He sighed, his hands digging into his pockets. "I'm sorry. I just dont see why we should talk about it. Even if Hayden knows, why would Danielle believe him?"

Eden nodded slightly, but doubt flickered in the depths of her grey-blue eyes. "I don't know, Enzo. I just don't want to lose my best friend. I don't want to give Hayden that kind of satisfaction."

Enzo let out a noise of agreement, before he caught commotion behind the head of Eden. His eyes focused on a group of guys, their eyes wide and frantic. A few girls that surrounded them had red rimmed eyes as if they had been crying. Furrowing his eyebrows, he pushed off the locker, brushing off Eden's protests. He made his way to where, in the midst of a small group of people, stood a school attendant. She had a small frown, her lips thin and white. She was pettie and slim, her eyes a dark blue. The students around her were talking, their voices clamoring together. The attendant looked upset, but patient until everyone quieted down. Eden had came up behind Enzo, her face pale and her eyes concerned.

Enzo leaned down to her ear. "What's going on?"

Eden shrugged. "The school attendant only comes to school for the troubled or something happened."

The attendant cleared her throat loud enough to get the small group to look at her and calm down. She gave then a false smile. "At this time, the school will be closed to mourn and spend time with family. Your parents have been notified, emails and calls have been made. Any questions?"

Enzo shook his head and raised his hand. The attendant looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "What's going on, ma'am?"

The students around them started whispering, a girl next to them starting bawling. The school attendant scowled, slightly as if annoyed. "Im not always supposed to give information, but to make things easier, Im authorized to tell you. Logan Carter was found dead somewhere near the school, it has been reported as a suicide. A death note was found next to his body, addressed to whomever found him." Enzo had stopped listening after she announced the death. He could see Logan tapping his fingers on the table in front of him, his sarcastic tone as sh told Jonathon off three years ago when this first started. Eden had started to cry, tears making little tracks on her face. Enzo reached for her, but found she had turned away and took off.

Enzo walked home, his thoughts all jumbled together. He couldn't find Danielle before he left, so he suspected she went home before him. He frowned when she came to mind, her actions mildly weird. A sudden laugh made him whirl around.

Hayden Foster stood no less than a hundred feet from him, his hands at his side, a smirk on his face, his eyes bright as if he had a fever. Enzo made a small noise and narrowed his eyes into a glare at the boy.

Hayden took a couple more steps before putting his hands on his hips and squinted at Enzo, his eyes roaming Enzo's posture. "Hello."

Enzo snorted, anger curling in his chest, making his hands clinch into fists. "What the hell do you want?"

Hayden looked mildly surprised. "I'm sure you've guessed it by now."

He shook his head, strands of dark blonde hair falling into his eyes. "Go away, Hayden. I may not know what you coming back means for us, but I'm not playing games."

Hayden's blue eyes flashed. "You have more than one secret, Enzo. Secrets that are hard to keep when they come out to play." His voice dropped into a whisper, taunting him.

A rush of heat flooded his face, anger bubbling into his head. "Go away!"

Hayden smirked, his eyes darkening with secrets. "Kiss them goodbye, Enzo." With that said, he turned around left Enzo behind, his face beet red with anger.

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