Chapter 50 | Vodka Tonic.

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- Marina's POV -

As expected, the rest of Boxing Day was spent living with tension and regret. I hadn't much to say in response to Lizzy's low-blow, I'd known she hadn't meant it but couldn't help but keep turning the words over in my mind. Was it my fault?

"I'm heading out for a bit, don't wait up." Lizzy said as she entered the lounge area from the bedroom.

"What? Why?" I asked, panic filling within me as I recalled the events of the night before, what went wrong in a matter of fifteen minutes.

"What do you mean why?" She repeated. "I want some space." She finalised.

I shook my head. "Is this some kind of punishment?" I asked.

"No, Marina, not everything's about you. This is about me, and right now, I want to take a long walk." She said, sharp with her words as they cut deep. 'Not everything's about you' whirring in my mind.

"Be careful." I said, watching as she made her way out of the door.

And with that, she was gone.

- Lizzy's POV -

I felt as if I couldn't help the way I was behaving, I knew the treatment was unfair but it felt like a duty, somewhat like a fear I had to conquer? I made my way down the street, towards the town centre. I had no where in particular in mind, a dimly-lit bar would do just the trick, though.

I made it to the centre and came across a quiet bar on the corner of a street I hadn't seen before. I entered, the overwhelming smell of dismay hit me as soon as I entered.

I approached the bartender, a slender-looking man, mysterious yet inviting all the same. I eyed him, he reminded me of Trent. I gave him a slight smile before requesting a vodka tonic. Double.

"What brings you here alone?" He asked as he cleaned the surface before me.

"I just wanted some down time." I replied, sipping the vodka tonic modestly — though I desperately wanted to take the whole thing back in one gulp.

"Did you? Why?" He pressed, lowering his eyes on me. I shifted in my seat.

"Because I'm selfish." I replied, giving him the answer I felt to be the truth.

"Everyone deserves a bit of peace now and again. Your boyfriend not happy with that?" He asked, leaving me taken aback with his assumption that I had a boyfriend.

"My girlfriend isn't, no." I responded, smirking as I watched his face readjust, almost as if I'd startled him with my revelation.

"Why's that?" He continued to press as I finished the remainder of my drink.

"Because I was kidnapped last night." I replied, amused with myself for toying with him. I watched again as a puzzled expression formulated upon his face.

"Lies." He sniggered.

"I wish. Anyway, another when you're done, will you?" I asked, passing him my glass. He nodded before filling my glass with the same again and returning it to me.

I felt the alcohol hit, I'd only had two measurements of spirit but it seemed to circulate my bloodstream all at once. What was I doing here? I reached for my phone (which I'd made sure I'd taken with me this time) and unlocked it. Three text messages from Marina, asking me to let her know where I was and when I was going home.

I sighed. I pressed dial.

"Lizzy!? Oh God, I was going crazy." Her frantic voice spoke from the other end of the phone.

"I'm fine." I replied. "I'll be home after this... after this street." I mustered up, I couldn't bare to tell her I'd been drinking.

"Are you?" She asked, she always knew when something was amiss.

"Yeah. I'll be home soon." I said, ending the call before she had the chance to press further.

"Guilt get the better of you?" The bartender asked.

"She did nothing wrong." I replied. "I have to go." I added, taking all the strength within me to push the glass away from me, hand him the money and leave the bar.

"I'm home." I said when I entered the front door, greeted by Marina stood before me, she looked pale and worried sick. I felt horrendous.

"I'm so sorry, baby." I said, pulling her into an embrace.

She screwed her face up. "You've been drinking." She stated, a fact so flat there was no room for debate.

"I've..." I began but was cut off by her shaking her head.

"I'm just glad you're back." She said, offering none of her usual warmth with her voice, before making her way to the kettle and filling it up. "Coffee?" She asked. "You're freezing."

I nodded whilst I took my coat off and returned my shoes to the rack.

"I'm leaving at 10am tomorrow, for the studio." She announced, colouring me green once more. She wasn't going to let me forget, nor forget what I said to her.

"Alone?" I asked.

"Yeah." She replied, leaving no room for negotiation.

I nodded, although she couldn't see me with her back turned to face the kettle. Perhaps I didn't want her to.

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