Chapter 35 | Sweet Escape.

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- Lizzy's POV -

A week later, I was on my way home from the solicitor's office after picking up the due deposit Steve had paid on the flat, in just 7 days I'd managed to sell the flat to a private solicitor and forge my way into receiving all the money. Steve had given us a 14 day notice period before ridding us of our home - I acted quick.

"There's £750 here baby!" I exclaimed, laying the cash out on the table. "The rest will be fed into my bank in coming days, we'll be gone before Steve has a chance to kick us out. It's really happening!" I continued, eyeing the fare in front of me.

"This is fraud." Marina replied, a distinguished worried expression upon her face.

"And what he did to me... What he tried to do to you... That's unlawful too." I justified, I wasn't annoyed at her lack of enthusiasm because, to be honest, I was just as scared as she was - I just knew I had to carry us through it.

"I just want to get away from this. Now." She replied, rubbing her temple.

My eyes lit up. "Let's do it then? Christmas is just around the corner, let's get away for Christmas." I suggested.

"What about my job, what about Charli..." She pondered, I knew how she felt to be in such a tough situation, making such a tough decision.

"You won't need that job for much longer, and Charli's your best friend. She'll understand. It'll be hard, but she will understand." I replied, soothing the circumstances for her.

"Let's do it then." She sighed, pulling the laptop towards her and opening it up, logging on.

"Manchester. Let's go." She added, searching 'Manchester' into

"Sure." I smiled.

I watched as she found us some tickets, departing tonight.

"7pm tonight - St. Pancras to Picidilli Station. £20 each. Let's do it." She read out, confirming the order and leaving us with 3 hours to pack all our belongings.

"My OCD is ticking." She laughed as she folded her clothes into a suitcase. "I'm not used to this spontaneity!" She added.

"It's all part of the ride." I replied, folding my own clothes into a suitcase as well.

We continued to pack our belongings before setting off to the train station at 6pm sharp, both overjoyed yet nervous.

We collected our tickets and sat waiting at the side of our platform, hauling just two items of luggage each and nothing to take comfort in but one another.

"Lana?" A familiar voice spoke from behind us. Both of us turned our heads to see Pete with his briefcase in one hand, phone in the other; a true business man.

"Hey!" I greeted, standing up to greet him properly. "What are you doing here?" I asked, painting a wide smile upon my face.

"I've just been up to Manchester for a business meeting at the HQ, what are you doing here?" He replied, inquiring eyes as he peered behind me to boast Marina a warm, glistening smile.

"We're... Migrating." I replied, nodding slowly.

"Migrating?" He repeated, raising his eyebrows. "Where are you going? Why are you going? What about your label? I thought it was all going so well." He asked, bombarding me with questions.

"Manchester. The label is the reason we're leaving, we want to make music but we want to make it honestly and comfortably. Steve couldn't do that for us." I responded, looking to the floor as Steve's name escaped my mouth.

"Wait... You still have my number, right?" He asked, unlocking his phone.

"Yes, why?" I replied, watching him intently as he scrolled through his contacts.

"I have connections up in Manchester, you've made a good choice." He began to explain, but the arrival of our train distracted him. "Look, there's your train, but be in touch when you get there." He added, pressing dial on his phone before walking off.

We stood up and lugged our baggage on board, before locating our seats and sitting down again.

"Where will we stay?" Marina queried as the train began moving, watching as we left London behind.

"We'll find a hotel when we get there, we've got enough cash, you heard Pete. He has connections, he wants us to get in touch, we won't be struggling. Steve is in the past now, this is our sweet escape." I assured her, turning my focus to the moonlit train-track outside, the city lights becoming more and more distant.

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