Chapter 7 | Moderate Emotions.

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As I approached my front door, a sudden sense of unease, fear even, came over me and briefly held me back.

What was stopping me from turning around and heading back to Lizzy's? Was it fear of a damaged ego if I didn't face him, or was it fear of an aching heart if I faced her?

I took a long and steady deep breath before pulling out my key and cautiously inserting it into the lock.

I walked in to be greeted by Joey hunched over the breakfast bar with the steam from his coffee hiding his face, not dissimilar to the way this had happened to Lizzy, I noticed as I remained subconsciously running my fingers across the piece of paper with her number on it.

"I saw Charli, I didn't know she was working today." I finally said, breaking the silence.

"Where were you last night?" He replied, shaking his head slowly.

I hovered on the question, I knew if I told him I went back to Lizzy's, any remaining ounce of peace we had left would be shattered. But, I didn't have an alibi for being anywhere else.

"My friend's." I settled with, at first anyway.

"Which 'friend' Marina?" He pressed. "I'll call them right now." He added.

I couldn't lie, Charli would be the only one to even sense she needed to cover for me, she's the only one who knows what he's like. But, I already blew that cover.

"Lizzy." I stated, trying to utilise any inch of confidence I had left.

"That American whore from last night?" He asked, suddenly a sense of rage coming over him.

"Joey..." I began but was cut off by him standing up to face me. The modest 5ft 5inches I am, usually leaves me feeling powerless, today was no exception - especially in comparison to his 6ft build.

"You know I don't want you near her." He insisted, his tone deepening.

"I'm sorry." I said, through gritted teeth. It was taking everything in me to stop myself from snapping. I had to remain calm.

"I can't stand to look at you." He spat as he pulled his jacket from behind the chair and somewhat angrily put it on. "I'm going out. Be here when I get back." He demanded, striding towards the door and swinging it open. He shot one last glare at me before slamming it shut.

I scanned the number whose blue ink embraced the paper in front of me. I pulled out my phone and entered the number into it, saving it under 'L'.

Could I call her already? I didn't want to overwhelm her but I couldn't sit in this flat and be suffocated by silence.

I hesitantly pressed dial.

On the third ring, just hearing her voice was enough to comfort me.

"Marina?" She asked, as if she was unsure I'd even call.

"Lizzy." I replied, an innocent tone carrying my voice.

"Did you get back okay?" She wondered, I wondered if her replacement of 'home' with 'back' was significant. I hate over-analysing everything.

"Yeah." I confirmed, regrettably beginning to hear my own voice crack.

"Come over." She said, almost demanding, but nothing like the way Joey would.

"Are you sure?" I asked, feeling innocent and in need of guidance.

"Of course! Come over now, don't waste time showering or anything like that, you can do that here." She explained, the warmth of her tone radiating me from the other end of the phone.

"Okay." I said, I didn't take much persuading in this instance. "See you soon." I concluded.

"See you soon." She confirmed, allowing me to put the phone down first.

I didn't waste any time, I gathered my things and left the flat, completely defying any 'instruction' Joey had given me.

I headed in the direction of her flat, for some reason it felt like this was a daily routine, though this was only the second time I was even to be there.

Speed-walking helped me to take my mind off of Joey, and focussing on my destination was enough to even make me to crack a smile.

When I arrived, I made sure I didn't look too miserable, just moderately unhappy. Controlling my emotions was something I'd moderately managed to inquire quite a habit of since I'd been with Joey.

Knocking on the door, my heart was beating fast at just the prospect of seeing her again. 

She opened the door and smiled feebly, it seemed she was also trying to moderate her emotions.

"Come in." She said, softly, holding the door open slightly wider to allow me to pass under her arm.

She'd cleaned up well, much too big of a job for her to have just done it after I called, perhaps she was expecting me to be back.

I sat down on her sofa in the same place I did the night prior, leaning back and rubbing my eyes.

"So, tell me all about it." She said, sitting oppositely and facing me.

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