Chapter 29 | "What Are We?"

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I sat besides Lizzy, feeling her fingers run through my hair as we watched 'Twilight' on the TV at the foot of the bed.

"Love this film." She said, continuing to twirl her fingers around my chocolate locks.

"Yeah." I replied, subconsciously, not aware of my tone.

She looked towards me, I darted my eyes straight towards the TV. "What did Lafina really want earlier?" She asked.

I shifted, I knew I had to tell her the truth, I wouldn't be able to get it out of my mind until I had. I merely shook my head, unable to get my words out.

"You can tell me?" She cooed, quietly as she ran her hand along my forearm.

"It's Dad." I replied, aware I'd missed the 'my' from my response.

"What about him?" She pressed, proceeding with her quiet tone and continuing to run her fingers along my olive skin.

"He's ill, his lungs aren't doing him good anymore, I don't know much other than that." I blurted out, I wanted this conversation over, I didn't want to think about it anymore.

"Oh, Marina. How do you feel?" She asked, sympathetically, saying my name just how Lafina had.

"I'm alright, I'd just prefer not to talk about it." I confessed, consistently facing the TV, utilising all my energy in avoiding eye contact with her.

"Look at me." She requested, reaching to place her fingertips on my chin and turning my head to face her.

"I know it's not easy for you, but if you want to talk about it, don't hesitate." She explained. "I'm here for you." She emphasised.

I smiled, nodding as I tucked my hands under the duvet. "It wasn't that that bothered me the most, though." I suggested.

"What was it?" She asked.

"She asked me how 'things' were, what kind of feeble question?" I explained, rolling my eyes as I did so.

"What did you say?" She proceeded to ask.

"I just told her I had to go. How was I meant to inform her on the past eight years worth of events in my life? What would I even say? I left my boyfriend for-" I began, but wasn't quite sure where I was going. What did I leave him for? Were Lizzy and I even together?

"For..." She pressed, she was good at that.

"What are we?" I asked, honestly and abruptly.

She looked at me, her piercing emerald-eyes staring intently into my own. "Whatever you want us to be." She suggested.

Such intense sense of decision came over me, I looked straight towards her. "Have you ever been with a girl before, Lizzy?" I asked.

I watched her as she shook her head, aware I only had failed experience to work with myself.

She swallowed. "But I do know I've never felt this way about anyone before, man or woman." She confessed, and I could tell it was taking mighty strength to do so.

I smiled, flattered. "Me neither." I confessed.

"You know I'd never hurt you." She said, maintaining eye contact and assuring me of how genuine she was.

"I know..." I trailed off, half-heartedly, looking towards the TV again, I knew where I'd heard that before and I didn't want to regret my naivety if it came to it.

"Do you want to be with someone like me?" She asked, she rarely sounded vulnerable, but when she did - it really hit home.

I nodded slowly. "Do you want to be with someone like me?" I repeated, ensuring we were on the same wavelength, though we usually were; that's what I liked most about our dynamic.

"Yes." She responded, almost instantly.

I shifted, the prospect of getting into another relationship suddenly hitting me like a brick. "Are you sure? I have a lot of baggage..." I trailed off again, I couldn't let it rest.

"And I don't?" She asked, satirically, laughing slightly. "You've seen the worst part of it already, and you've stuck around!" She continued.

"You're not too bad." I assured. "And I'm not going anywhere." I added.

She smiled, reaching for my hand and enclosing it within her palm, clasping it tightly.

"Even if the record deal doesn't work out for me, I know what brought me to London. It was you." She said, running her thumb along the back of my hand.

I smiled, resting my cheek against her shoulder. "It's gonna work out for you, there's no way it won't." I assured.

And for the rest of the evening, we lay watching the 'Twilight' series chronologically and emptying the tub of strawberry ice cream.

Grey Skies, White Lies - Larina | [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now