Chapter 41 | Alone.

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"Coffee?" Marina asked, looking over to me almost instantly as I opened my sleepy eyes.

"Yeah, please." I replied, squinting towards the clock and seeing it was 9am. The series of last night's events came rushing back to me as I watched her move to fill my mug with the much-needed coffee grains and sprinkle of sugar, just how I liked it.

She moved towards me, a soft motion and touch in her hands, handed me the mug and stood back to look at me. "I barely slept last night." She whispered.

I looked up at her. "I did." I lied. I hadn't slept a wink really, not refreshing sleep anyway, every time I  dropped off I seemed to wake up no longer than 5 minutes later, partially because I could feel her besides me doing the same.

"So, what are we gonna do today?" She asked, as if it was any normal day. Was it any normal day? Was I overreacting?

"Nothing." I replied, sipping my coffee as I avoided her gaze.

"Nothing?" She repeated, irking me as she seemed to be almost surprised that I hadn't jumped at the chance to roam the city with her.

"Nothing." I said, allowing the single word to fill the gaps for a third time in the conversation.

She sat down on the edge of the bed, I didn't budge my feet how I usually would though, I felt to be stubborn - she deserved it, though she didn't deserve to feel the heat radiating from my legs as she slid besides them.

"Are we not gonna talk about it?" She asked.

I sighed. "What do you want me to say? I know she kissed you but that doesn't mean you were all innocent in the situation?" I said.

She shook her head. "Are you being serious?" She asked. If looks could kill.

"Yes." I replied, barely facing to look at her. Suddenly, I felt ridiculous. There was always something about her that could make me question everything I believed in, everything I thought I stood for.

"Come on, think about it Lizzy, you are being ridiculous." She said softly, smirking a little as she did so. She almost had me come round to her, but her smirk blew her chances entirely.

I sat up and swung my legs out of the bed, resting the soles of my feet against the carpet, curling my toes to feel it.

"I don't know what you expect from me, but you're sure as hell not going to get it." I said, standing up and grabbing my towels before heading into the bathroom.

I turned the shower on and watches the crystalline structure of the water-prism slash the cold ground before bouncing a little as their magnitude allowed.

Taking off my clothes, I felt them form a puddle at my feet before stepping out of them and screwing them into a ball besides the toilet.

I stepped into the shower, the warm water hitting my skin as I watched they had the floor seconds before.

I washed my hair and embraced the strawberry scent of the shampoo before finishing off with the conditioner that I'd used ever since I found myself in the UK.

Leaving the bathroom, I scooped the pile of washing from the floor and entered the bedroom, Marina no where to be seen.

"Marina?" I called, yet to no avail. I pottered around our medium-sized temporary abode with no success, yet her phone was on the dressing table.

"Fuck." I muttered to myself, allowing the towel to drop to the floor and quickly pulling my clothes on, my hair in a wet bun and scrambling out of the apartment before I could even have time to think.

I don't know Manchester, I don't know my way around; I'd have no clue where to even search for Marina first.

I just headed towards reception, hopeful (yet doubtful) Marina would have found herself acquiring the magazines on the table-tops and would just be waiting for me to come and find her.

She wasn't.

I hurried towards the desk and asked them if they'd seen her, but the woman on the desk told me she'd only just arrived for her shift and the lady taking the one before had already left in her cab to go home.

I was alone.

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