Chapter 45 | Agreement.

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"Elizabeth Grant?" A voice thundered as we entered the hotel.

"Y-yes?" Lizzy stuttered, frowning in a state of confusion as two men approached her.

"I am arresting you on suspicion of fraud. You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defense if you do not mention, when questioned, something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence." The man said as he began to handcuff Lizzy, my heart boomed through my chest, I felt numb, as if I was going to be swallowed up by the ground in that very moment.

"What the fuck?" She said, obliging with the officers, being lead out the door as she peered over her shoulder at me, the most helpless expression upon her face, vulnerability in abundance.

I gasped, I was dumbfounded. I had no words that I felt I could possibly say. I watched as my girlfriend was bundled into a police car, and continued to watch as she was driven away. They say your instinct is to fight, flight or freeze. I froze.

When I somewhat gathered myself within the moment, I turned to run up to our room, my legs trembling with every step. I got inside and grabbed everything I could think she would possibly need: a toothbrush, pyjamas, a change of clothes. I shoved them into a bag and ran out the door almost as quick as I'd got inside. I ran through the winding corridors, arriving at the lobby, greeted by an unexpected face: Steve.

Again, I froze. I looked him up and down, the smug expression upon his face, he folded his arms and did the same to me. "It's what you get for playing with fire." He said, condescending as ever.

"She's got evidence that could incriminate you too, you know." I spat, shaking with rage. I just wanted to protect her. This was supposed to be our fresh start. I couldn't help but remind myself of the skepticism I'd felt when Lizzy had proposed the idea of how we could get away, I should've trusted my instinct.

"What I want, Marina, is for all of us to come to an agreement." He suggested, his words slimy as they escaped his mouth, his tongue snake-like.

"What kind of agreement?" I pressed. Steve and agreements had never ended well in the past.

"I'm going to need my money back. All of it. And then a little something extra, let's call it interest. And then, only then, will I drop the charges. Let's call it a mistake." He inquired, lowering his eyes onto me, he always had a way of making me feel small.

"I don't have the money." I said, honestly.

"Well you'll have to get it for me, won't you? Don't you care about your girlfriend enough?" He pressed, manipulating me with every word. It was working, of course I cared about Lizzy, she was absolutely everything to me. I sifted through the options in my mind, turning over memory-stones that I'd purposely left unturned for years.

"How much?" I asked, frowning.

"Let's call it £10,000. I'm a fair man." He smirked, grabbing my wrist. "You better get it, and you better get it fast, or else baby Lana won't be coming home to you any time soon." He added before turning on his heel and exiting the hotel lobby. I stood still. My mind whirring, I pulled out my phone, hovering over the 'recent calls' section. As evil as it sounded, I couldn't help but ponder on the thought of my dad's poor health. Inheritance.

I scrolled until I reached the number Lafina had called from, hesitantly pressing dial.

"Marina?" A soft voice reached out at the other end of the phone, it felt familiar, and somewhat safe? However, I didn't have time to ponder on the emotions my estranged sister's voice caused me. Time was ticking, and every second was a second less that I had to get this 10 grand.

"I need your help." I blurted out, again, beating around the bush: not for me.

"With what?" She asked, remaining a soft, calm tone.

"I'm in a lot of trouble, Lafina, I owe thousands of pounds." I white-lied. Technically, I didn't, but Lizzy was my other half. Her problems were mine. I didn't have time to explain that.

"I've got it." She simply replied, no questions asked, her tone started to confuse me. Over-analysing as I did best, I couldn't help but wonder whether she was secretly smug that she'd never be in a position to need to call me up like this. Swallowing my pride, and these thoughts, I thanked my sister.

"I won't ask questions now, but I want you to call me when everything's sorted. Okay? Send me the details of whoever you owe this money to." She said, remaining calm and collected. This wasn't any small amount of money I was asking for, this was ten thousand pounds. My head span as I thanked her again, putting down the phone and walking towards the desk. "Where's the nearest police station?" I asked.

Grey Skies, White Lies - Larina | [COMPLETE]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt